Two novel gradient methods with optimal step sizes

In this work we introduce two new Barzilai and Borwein-like steps sizes for the classical gradient method for strictly convex quadratic optimization problems. The proposed step sizes employ second-order information in order to obtain faster gradient-type methods. Both step sizes are derived from two unconstrained optimization models that involve approximate information of the Hessian of … Read more

Gradient Sampling Methods with Inexact Subproblem Solves and Gradient Aggregation

Gradient sampling (GS) has proved to be an effective methodology for the minimization of objective functions that may be nonconvex and/or nonsmooth. The most computationally expensive component of a contemporary GS method is the need to solve a convex quadratic subproblem in each iteration. In this paper, a strategy is proposed that allows the use … Read more

The Equivalence of Fourier-based and Wasserstein Metrics on Imaging Problems

We investigate properties of some extensions of a class of Fourier-based probability metrics, originally introduced to study convergence to equilibrium for the solution to the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation. At difference with the original one, the new Fourier-based metrics are well-defined also for probability distributions with different centers of mass, and for discrete probability measures … Read more

Inexact and Stochastic Generalized Conditional Gradient with Augmented Lagrangian and Proximal Step

In this paper we propose and analyze inexact and stochastic versions of the CGALP algorithm developed in the authors’ previous paper, which we denote ICGALP, that allows for errors in the computation of several important quantities. In particular this allows one to compute some gradients, proximal terms, and/or linear minimization oracles in an inexact fashion … Read more

Decomposition Algorithms for Some Deterministic and Two-Stage Stochastic Single-Leader Multi-Follower Games

We consider a certain class of hierarchical decision problems that can be viewed as single-leader multi-follower games, and be represented by a virtual market coordinator trying to set a price system for traded goods, according to some criterion that balances supply and demand. The objective function of the market coordinator involves the decisions of many … Read more

On Inexact Accelerated Proximal Gradient Methods with Relative Error Rules

One of the most popular and important first-order iterations that provides optimal complexity of the classical proximal gradient method (PGM) is the “Fast Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm” (FISTA). In this paper, two inexact versions of FISTA for minimizing the sum of two convex functions are studied. The proposed schemes inexactly solve their subproblems by using relative … Read more

Towards practical generic conic optimization

Many convex optimization problems can be represented through conic extended formulations with auxiliary variables and constraints using only the small number of standard cones recognized by advanced conic solvers such as MOSEK 9. Such extended formulations are often significantly larger and more complex than equivalent conic natural formulations, which can use a much broader class … Read more

Disk matrices and the proximal mapping for the numerical radius

Optimal matrices for problems involving the matrix numerical radius often have fields of values that are disks, a phenomenon associated with partial smoothness. Such matrices are highly structured: we experiment in particular with the proximal mapping for the radius, which often maps n-by-n random matrix inputs into a particular manifold of disk matrices that has … Read more

Modular-topology optimization with Wang tilings: An application to truss structures

Modularity is appealing for solving many problems in optimization. It brings the benefits of manufacturability and reconfigurability to structural optimization, and enables a trade-off between the computational performance of a Periodic Unit Cell (PUC) and the efficacy of non-uniform designs in multi-scale material optimization. Here, we introduce a novel strategy for concurrent minimum-compliance design of … Read more

Convex Hull Representations for Bounded Products of Variables

It is well known that the convex hull of {(x,y,xy)}, where (x,y) is constrained to lie in a box, is given by the Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT) constraints. Belotti et al. (2010) and Miller et al. (2011) showed that if there are additional upper and/or lower bounds on the product z=xy, then the convex hull can … Read more