Lagrangean Duality Applied on Vehicle Routing with Time Windows

This paper presents the results of the application of a non-differentiable optimization method in connection with the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). The VRPTW is an extension of the Vehicle Routing Problem. In the VRPTW the service at each customer must start within an associated time window. The Shortest Path decomposition of the … Read more

A Cutting Plane Algorithm for Large Scale Semidefinite Relaxations

The recent spectral bundle method allows to compute, within reasonable time, approximate dual solutions of large scale semidefinite quadratic 0-1 programming relaxations. We show that it also generates a sequence of primal approximations that converge to a primal optimal solution. Separating with respect to these approximations gives rise to a cutting plane algorithm that converges … Read more

The Sample Average Approximation Method Applied to Stochastic Routing Problems: A Computational Study

The sample average approximation (SAA) method is an approach for solving stochastic optimization problems by using Monte Carlo simulation. In this technique the expected objective function of the stochastic problem is approximated by a sample average estimate derived from a random sample. The resulting sample average approximating problem is then solved by deterministic optimization techniques. … Read more

Polynomial interior point cutting plane methods

Polynomial cutting plane methods based on the logarithmic barrier function and on the volumetric center are surveyed. These algorithms construct a linear programming relaxation of the feasible region, find an appropriate approximate center of the region, and call a separation oracle at this approximate center to determine whether additional constraints should be added to the … Read more

Branch-and-cut for the k-way equipartition problem

We investigate the polyhedral structure of a formulation of the k-way equipartition problem and a branch-and-cut algorithm for the problem. The k-way equipartition problem requires dividing the vertices of a weighted graph into k equally sized sets, so as to minimize the total weight of edges that have both endpoints in the same set. Applications … Read more

Realignment in the NFL

The National Football League (NFL) in the United States will expand to 32 teams in 2002 with the addition of a team in Houston. At that point, the league will be realigned into eight divisions, each containing four teams. We describe a branch-and-cut algorithm for minimizing the sum of intradivisional travel distances. We consider first … Read more