On Global Optimization

This paper presents a relatively “unfettered” method for finding global optima to constrained nonlinear programs. The method reformulates the given program into a bi-objective mixed-integer program that is then solved for the Nash equilibrium. A numerical example (whose solution provides a new benchmark against which other algorithms may be assessed) is included to illustrate the … Read more

Disjunctive Cuts for Cross-Sections of the Second-Order Cone

In this paper we provide a unified treatment of general two-term disjunctions on cross-sections of the second-order cone. We derive a closed-form expression for a convex inequality that is valid for such a disjunctive set and show that this inequality is sufficient to characterize the closed convex hull of all two-term disjunctions on ellipsoids and … Read more

How to Convexify the Intersection of a Second Order Cone and a Nonconvex Quadratic

A recent series of papers has examined the extension of disjunctive-programming techniques to mixed-integer second-order-cone programming. For example, it has been shown—by several authors using different techniques—that the convex hull of the intersection of an ellipsoid, $\E$, and a split disjunction, $(l – x_j)(x_j – u) \le 0$ with $l < u$, equals the intersection ... Read more

A Cut-and-Branch Algorithm for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem

The Quadratic Knapsack Problem (QKP) is a well-known NP-hard combinatorial optimisation problem, with many practical applications. We present a ‘cut-and-branch’ algorithm for the QKP, in which a cutting-plane phase is followed by a branch-and-bound phase. The cutting-plane phase is more sophisticated than the existing ones in the literature, incorporating several classes of cutting planes, two … Read more

Two-Term Disjunctions on the Second-Order Cone

Balas introduced disjunctive cuts in the 1970s for mixed-integer linear programs. Several recent papers have attempted to extend this work to mixed-integer conic programs. In this paper we study the structure of the convex hull of a two-term disjunction applied to the second-order cone, and develop a methodology to derive closed-form expressions for convex inequalities … Read more

Mathematical Programming techniques in Water Network Optimization

In this article we survey mathematical programming approaches to problems in the field of water network optimization. Predominant in the literature are two different, but related problem classes. One can be described by the notion of network design, while the other is more aptly termed by network operation. The basic underlying model in both cases … Read more

Derivative-free Methods for Mixed-Integer Constrained Optimization Problems

Methods which do not use any derivative information are becoming popular among researchers, since they allow to solve many real-world engineering problems. Such problems are frequently characterized by the presence of discrete variables which can further complicate the optimization process. In this paper, we propose derivative-free algorithms for solving continuously differentiable Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming … Read more

Deriving the convex hull of a polynomial partitioning set through lifting and projection

Relaxations of the bilinear term, $x_1x_2=x_3$, play a central role in constructing relaxations of factorable functions. This is because they can be used directly to relax products of functions with known relaxations. In this paper, we provide a compact, closed-form description of the convex hull of this and other more general bivariate monomial terms (which … Read more

Subset Selection by Mallows’ Cp: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach

This paper concerns a method of selecting the best subset of explanatory variables for a linear regression model. Employing Mallows’ C_p as a goodness-of-fit measure, we formulate the subset selection problem as a mixed integer quadratic programming problem. Computational results demonstrate that our method provides the best subset of variables in a few seconds when … Read more

Cutting Planes for RLT Relaxations of Mixed 0-1 Polynomial Programs

The Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT), due to Sherali and Adams, can be used to construct hierarchies of linear programming relaxations of mixed 0-1 polynomial programs. As one moves up the hierarchy, the relaxations grow stronger, but the number of variables increases exponentially. We present a procedure that generates cutting planes at any given level of the … Read more