On Lipschitz regularization and Lagrangian cuts in multistage stochastic mixed-integer linear programming

We provide new theoretical insight on the generation of linear and non-convex cuts for value functions of multistage stochastic mixed-integer programs based on Lagrangian duality. First, we analyze in detail the impact that the introduction of copy constraints, and especially, the choice of the accompanying constraint set for the copy variable have on the properties … Read more

Application of the Lovász-Schrijver Operator to Compact Stable Set Integer Programs

The Lov\’asz theta function $\theta(G)$ provides a very good upper bound on the stability number of a graph $G$. It can be computed in polynomial time by solving a semidefinite program (SDP), which also turns out to be fairly tractable in practice. Consequently, $\theta(G)$ achieves a hard-to-beat trade-off between computational effort and strength of the … Read more

Spatial branching for a special class of convex MIQO problems

In the branch-and-bound algorithm, branching is the key step to deal with the nonconvexity of the problem. For Mixed Integer Linear Optimization (MILO) problems and, in general, Mixed Integer Nonlinear Optimization (MINLO) problems whose continuous relaxation is convex, branching on integer and binary variables suffices, because fixing all integer variables yields a convex relaxation. General, … Read more

A Multi-Reference Relaxation Enforced Neighborhood Search Heuristic in SCIP

This paper proposes and evaluates a Multi-Reference Relaxation Enforced Neighborhood Search (MRENS) heuristic within the SCIP solver. This study marks the first integration and evaluation of MRENS in a full-fledged MILP solver, specifically coupled with the recently-introduced Lagromory separator for generating multiple reference solutions. Computational experiments on the MIPLIB 2017 benchmark set show that MRENS, … Read more

Compact Mixed Integer Programming Formulations for the Minimum Biclique Cover Problem

Given a simple graph G = (V, E) with vertex set V and edge set E, the minimum biclique cover problem seeks to cover all edges of the graph with a minimum number of bicliques (i.e., complete bipartite subgraphs). This paper proposes two compact mixed integer programming (MIP) formulations for solving the minimum biclique cover … Read more

Cluster branching for vehicle routing problems

This article introduces Cluster Branching, a novel branching strategy for exact algorithms solving Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). While branching is crucial for the efficiency of branch-and-bound-based algorithms, existing branching types such as Edge Branching, CutSet Branching, and Ryan&Foster Branching have their limitations. The proposed branching strategy aggregates multiple edge variables into higher-level decision structures corresponding … Read more

Interdiction of minimum spanning trees and other matroid bases

In the minimum spanning tree (MST) interdiction problem, we are given a graph \(G=(V,E)\) with edge weights, and want to find some \(X\subseteq E\) satisfying a knapsack constraint such that the MST weight in \((V,E\setminus X)\) is maximized. Since MSTs of \(G\) are the minimum weight bases in the graphic matroid of \(G\), this problem … Read more

Integer Programming Approaches for Distributionally Robust Chance Constraints with Adjustable Risks

We study distributionally robust chance-constrained programs (DRCCPs) with individual chance constraints under a Wasserstein ambiguity. The DRCCPs treat the risk tolerances associated with the distributionally robust chance constraints (DRCCs) as decision variables to trade off between the system cost and risk of violations by penalizing the risk tolerances in the objective function. The introduction of … Read more

Computational Methods for the Household Assignment Problem

We consider the household assignment problem as it occurs in the geo-referencing step of spatial microsimulation models. The resulting model is a maximum weight matching problem with additional side constraints. For real-world instances such as the one for the city of Trier in Germany, the number of binary variables exceeds 10^9, and the resulting instances … Read more

Granularity for mixed-integer polynomial optimization problems

Finding good feasible points is crucial in mixed-integer programming. For this purpose we combine a sufficient condition for consistency, called granularity, with the moment-/sos-hierarchy from polynomial optimization. If the mixed-integer problem is granular, we obtain feasible points by solving continuous polynomial problems and rounding their optimal points. The moment-/sos-hierarchy is hereby used to solve those … Read more