Riemannian Interior Point Methods for Constrained Optimization on Manifolds

We extend the classical primal-dual interior point method from the Euclidean setting to the Riemannian one. Our method, named the Riemannian interior point method (RIPM), is for solving Riemannian  constrained optimization problems. We establish its local superlinear and quadratic convergence  under the standard assumptions. Moreover, we show its global convergence when it is combined with … Read more

On the Sparsity of Optimal Linear Decision Rules in Robust Optimization

We consider the widely-studied class of production-inventory problems with box uncertainty sets from the seminal work of Ben-Tal et al. (2004) on linear decision rules in robust optimization. We prove that there always exists an optimal linear decision rule for this class of problems in which the number of nonzero parameters in the linear decision … Read more

An SDP Relaxation for the Sparse Integer Least Square Problem

In this paper, we study the polynomial approximability or solvability of sparse integer least square problem (SILS), which is the NP-hard variant of the least square problem, where we only consider sparse {0, ±1}-vectors. We propose an l1-based SDP relaxation to SILS, and introduce a randomized algorithm for SILS based on the SDP relaxation. In … Read more

Revisiting Degeneracy, Strict Feasibility, Stability, in Linear Programming

Currently, the simplex method and the interior point method are indisputably the most popular algorithms for solving linear programs, LPs. Unlike general conic programs, LPs with a finite optimal value do not require strict feasibility in order to establish strong duality. Hence strict feasibility is seldom a concern, even though strict feasibility is equivalent to … Read more

Discrete Optimal Transport with Independent Marginals is #P-Hard

We study the computational complexity of the optimal transport problem that evaluates the Wasserstein distance between the distributions of two K-dimensional discrete random vectors. The best known algorithms for this problem run in polynomial time in the maximum of the number of atoms of the two distributions. However, if the components of either random vector … Read more

Rank-one Boolean tensor factorization and the multilinear polytope

We consider the NP-hard problem of approximating a tensor with binary entries by a rank-one tensor, referred to as rank-one Boolean tensor factorization problem. We formulate this problem, in an extended space of variables, as the problem of minimizing a linear function over a highly structured multilinear set. Leveraging on our prior results regarding the … Read more

Solving Two-Trust-Region Subproblems using Semidefinite Optimization with Eigenvector Branching

Semidefinite programming (SDP) problems typically utilize the constraint that X-xx’ is PSD to obtain a convex relaxation of the condition X=xx’, where x is an n-vector. In this paper we consider a new hyperplane branching method for SDP based on using an eigenvector of X-xx’. This branching technique is related to previous work of Saxeena, … Read more

The Chvátal-Gomory Procedure for Integer SDPs with Applications in Combinatorial Optimization

In this paper we study the well-known Chvátal-Gomory (CG) procedure for the class of integer semidefinite programs (ISDPs). We prove several results regarding the hierarchy of relaxations obtained by iterating this procedure. We also study different formulations of the elementary closure of spectrahedra. A polyhedral description of the elementary closure for a specific type of … Read more

A semidefinite programming approach for the projection onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with applications to solid mechanics

We propose an algorithm for computing the projection of a symmetric second-order tensor onto the cone of negative semidefinite symmetric tensors with respect to the inner product defined by an assigned positive definite symmetric fourth-order tensor C. The projection problem is written as a semidefinite programming problem and an algorithm based on a primal-dual path-following … Read more

A barrier Lagrangian dual method for multi-stage stochastic convex semidefinite optimization

In this paper, we present a polynomial-time barrier algorithm for solving multi-stage stochastic convex semidefinite optimization based on the Lagrangian dual method which relaxes the nonanticipativity constraints. We show that the barrier Lagrangian dual functions for our setting form self-concordant families with respect to barrier parameters. We also use the barrier function method to improve … Read more