Universal Barrier is n-Self-Concordant

This paper shows that the self-concordance parameter of the universal barrier on any n-dimensional proper convex domain is upper bounded by n. This bound is tight and improves the previous O(n) bound by Nesterov and Nemirovski. The key to our main result is a pair of new, sharp moment inequalities for s-concave distributions, which could … Read more

Bilevel optimization: theory, algorithms and applications

Bilevel optimization problems are hierarchical optimization problems where the feasible region of the so-called upper level problem is restricted by the graph of the solution set mapping of the lower level problem. Aim of this article is to collect a large number of references on this topic, to show the diversity of contributions and to … Read more

Asynchronous Sequential Inertial Iterations for Common Fixed Points Problems with an Application to Linear Systems

The common fixed points problem requires finding a point in the intersection of fixed points sets of a finite collection of operators. Quickly solving problems of this sort is of great practical importance for engineering and scientific tasks (e.g., for computed tomography). Iterative methods for solving these problems often employ a Krasnosel’skii-Mann type iteration. We … Read more

First-order methods for the impatient: support identification in finite time with convergent Frank-Wolfe variants

In this paper, we focus on the problem of minimizing a non-convex function over the unit simplex. We analyze two well-known and widely used variants of the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and first prove global convergence of the iterates to stationary points both when using exact and Armijo line search. Then we show that the algorithms identify … Read more

The Standard Pessimistic Bilevel Problem

Pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, as optimistic ones, possess a structure involving three interrelated optimization problems. Moreover, their finite infima are only attained under strong conditions. We address these difficulties within a framework of moderate assumptions and a perturbation approach which allow us to approximate such finite infima arbitrarily well by minimal values of a sequence … Read more

On the Relation between MPECs and Optimization Problems in Abs-Normal Form

We show that the problem of unconstrained minimization of a function in abs-normal form is equivalent to identifying a certain stationary point of a counterpart Mathematical Program with Equilibrium Constraints (MPEC). Hence, concepts introduced for the abs-normal forms turn out to be closely related to established concepts in the theory of MPECs. We give a … Read more

On a Frank-Wolfe Type Theorem in Cubic Optimization

A classical result due to Frank and Wolfe (1956) says that a quadratic function $f$ attains its supremum on a nonempty polyhedron $M$ if $f$ is bounded from above on $M$. In this note, we present a stringent proof of the extension of this result to cubic optimization (known from Andronov, Belousov and Shironin (1982)). … Read more

Lectures on Parametric Optimization: An Introduction

The report aims to provide an overview over results from Parametric Optimization which could be called classical results on the subject. Parametric Optimization considers optimization problems depending on a parameter and describes how the feasible set, the value function, and the local or global minimizers of the program depend on changes in the parameter. After … Read more

Representation of distributionally robust chance-constraints

Given $X\subset R^n$, $\varepsilon \in (0,1)$, a parametrized family of probability distributions $(\mu_{a})_{a\in A}$ on $\Omega\subset R^p$, we consider the feasible set $X^*_\varepsilon\subset X$ associated with the {\em distributionally robust} chance-constraint \[X^*_\varepsilon\,=\,\{x\in X:\:{\rm Prob}_\mu[f(x,\omega)\,>\,0]> 1-\varepsilon,\,\forall\mu\in\mathscr{M}_a\},\] where $\mathscr{M}_a$ is the set of all possibles mixtures of distributions $\mu_a$, $a\in A$. For instance and typically, the family … Read more

A Merit Function Approach for Evolution Strategies

In this paper, we extend a class of globally convergent evolution strategies to handle general constrained optimization problems. The proposed framework handles relaxable constraints using a merit function approach combined with a specific restoration procedure. The unrelaxable constraints in our framework, when present, are treated either by using the extreme barrier function or through a … Read more