Active Set Identification in Nonlinear Programming

Techniques that identify the active constraints at a solution of a nonlinear programming problem from a point near the solution can be a useful adjunct to nonlinear programming algorithms. They have the potential to improve the local convergence behavior of these algorithms, and in the best case can reduce an inequality constrained problem to an … Read more

A generating set search method exploiting curvature and sparsity

Generating Set Search method are one of the few alternatives for optimising high fidelity functions with numerical noise. These methods are usually only efficient when the number of variables is relatively small. This paper presents a modification to an existing Generating Set Search method, which makes it aware of the sparsity structure of the Hessian. … Read more

On the Global Convergence of a Trust Region Method for Solving Nonlinear Constraints Infeasibility Problem

A framework for proving global convergence for a class of nonlinear constraints infeasibility problem is presented without assuming that the Jacobian has full rank everywhere. The underlying method is based on the simple sufficient reduction criteria where trial points are accepted provided there is a sufficient decrease in the constraints violation function. The proposed methods … Read more

Set Intersection Theorems and Existence of Optimal Solutions

The question of nonemptiness of the intersection of a nested sequence of closed sets is fundamental in a number of important optimization topics, including the existence of optimal solutions, the validity of the minimax inequality in zero sum games, and the absence of a duality gap in constrained optimization. We introduce the new notion of … Read more

Interior Methods for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints

This paper studies theoretical and practical properties of interior-penalty methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. A framework for implementing these methods is presented, and the need for adaptive penalty update strategies is motivated with examples. The algorithm is shown to be globally convergent to strongly stationary points, under standard assumptions. These results are then … Read more

Convergence Analysis of an Interior-Point Method for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

We prove local and global convergence results for an interior-point method applied to mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. The global result shows the algorithm minimizes infeasibility regardless of starting point, while one result proves local convergence when penalty functions are exact; another local result proves convergence when the solution is not even a KKT point. … Read more

Steering Exact Penalty Methods for Optimization

This paper reviews, extends and analyzes a new class of penalty methods for nonlinear optimization. These methods adjust the penalty parameter dynamically; by controlling the degree of linear feasibility achieved at every iteration, they promote balanced progress toward optimality and feasibility. In contrast with classical approaches, the choice of the penalty parameter ceases to be … Read more

Algorithm xxx: APPSPACK 4.0: Asynchronous Parallel Pattern Search for Derivative-Free Optimization

APPSPACK is software for solving unconstrained and bound constrained optimization problems. It implements an asynchronous parallel pattern search method that has been specifically designed for problems characterized by expensive function evaluations. Using APPSPACK to solve optimization problems has several advantages: No derivative information is needed; the procedure for evaluating the objective function can be executed … Read more

Using Sampling and Simplex Derivatives in Pattern Search Methods

Pattern search methods can be made more efficient if past function evaluations are appropriately reused. In this paper we will introduce a number of ways of reusing previous evaluations of the objective function based on the computation of simplex derivatives (e.g., simplex gradients) to improve the efficiency of a pattern search iteration. At each iteration … Read more