trlib: A vector-free implementation of the GLTR method for iterative solution of the trust region problem

We describe trlib, a library that implements a Variant of Gould’s Generalized Lanczos method (Gould et al. in SIAM J. Opt. 9(2), 504–525, 1999) for solving the trust region problem. Our implementation has several distinct features that set it apart from preexisting ones. We implement both conjugate gradient (CG) and Lanczos iterations for assembly of … Read more

BFGS-like updates of constraint preconditioners for sequences of KKT linear systems

We focus on efficient preconditioning techniques for sequences of KKT linear systems arising from the interior point solution of large convex quadratic programming problems. Constraint Preconditioners (CPs), though very effective in accelerating Krylov methods in the solution of KKT systems, have a very high computational cost in some instances, because their factorization may be the … Read more

Optimized choice of parameters in interior-point methods for linear programming

In this work, we propose a predictor-corrector interior point method for linear programming in a primal-dual context, where the next iterate is chosen by the minimization of a polynomial merit function of three variables: the first is the steplength, the second defines the central path and the third models the weight of a corrector direction. … Read more

A recursive semi-smooth Newton method for linear complementarity problems

A primal feasible active set method is presented for finding the unique solution of a Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP) with a P-matrix, which extends the globally convergent active set method for strictly convex quadratic problems with simple bounds proposed by [P. Hungerlaender and F. Rendl. A feasible active set method for strictly convex problems with … Read more

An Infeasible Active Set Method with Combinatorial Line Search for Convex Quadratic Problems with Bound Constraints

The minimization of a convex quadratic function under bound constraints is a fundamental building block for more complicated optimization problems. The active-set method introduced by [M. Bergounioux, K. Ito, and K. Kunisch. Primal-Dual Strategy for Constrained Optimal Control Problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 37:1176–1194, 1999.] and [M. Bergounioux, M. Haddou, M. Hintermüller, and … Read more

A new branch-and-bound algorithm for standard quadratic programming problems

In this paper we propose convex and LP bounds for Standard Quadratic Programming (StQP) problems and employ them within a branch-and-bound approach. We first compare different bounding strategies for StQPs in terms both of the quality of the bound and of the computation times. It turns out that the polyhedral bounding strategy is the best … Read more

Asymptotical Analysis of a SAA Estimator for Optimal Value of a Two Stage Problem with Quadratic Recourse

In this paper, we first consider the stability analysis of a convex quadratic programming problem and its restricted Wolfe dual in which all parameters in the problem are perturbed. We demonstrate the upper semi-continuity of solution mappings for the primal problem and the restricted Wolfe dual problem and establish the Hadamard directionally differentiability of the … Read more

Regularized monotonic regression

Monotonic (isotonic) Regression (MR) is a powerful tool used for solving a wide range of important applied problems. One of its features, which poses a limitation on its use in some areas, is that it produces a piecewise constant fitted response. For smoothing the fitted response, we introduce a regularization term in the MR formulated … Read more

Solving Box-Constrained Nonconvex Quadratic Programs

We present effective computational techniques for solving nonconvex quadratic programs with box constraints (BoxQP). We first observe that cutting planes obtained from the Boolean Quadric Polytope (BQP) are computationally effective at reducing the optimality gap of BoxQP. We next show that the Chvatal-Gomory closure of the BQP is given by the odd-cycle inequalities even when … Read more

Kronecker Product Constraints for Semidefinite Optimization

We consider semidefinite optimization problems that include constraints that G(x) and H(x) are positive semidefinite (PSD), where the components of the symmetric matrices G(x) and H(x) are affine functions of an n-vector x. In such a case we obtain a new constraint that a matrix K(x,X) is PSD, where the components of K(x,X) are affine … Read more