Analysis of Copositive Optimization Based Linear Programming Bounds on Standard Quadratic Optimization

The problem of minimizing a quadratic form over the unit simplex, referred to as a standard quadratic optimization problem, admits an exact reformulation as a linear optimization problem over the convex cone of completely positive matrices. This computationally intractable cone can be approximated from the inside and from the outside by two sequences of nested … Read more

On the Separation of Split Inequalities for Non-Convex Quadratic Integer Programming

We investigate the computational potential of split inequalities for non-convex quadratic integer programming, first introduced by Letchford and further examined by Burer and Letchford. These inequalities can be separated by solving convex quadratic integer minimization problems. For small instances with box-constraints, we show that the resulting dual bounds are very tight; they can close a … Read more

Polynomial solvability of variants of the trust-region subproblem

The trust region subproblem concerns the minimization of a general quadratic over the unit ball in R^n. Extensions to this problem are of interest because of applications to, for example, combinatorial optimization. However the extension obtained by adding an arbitrary family of linear side constraints is NP-hard. In this paper we consider variants of the … Read more

Extended Linear Formulation for Binary Quadratic Problems

In this work we propose and test a new linearisation technique for Binary Quadratic Problems (BQP). We computationally prove that the new formulation, called Extended Linear Formulation, performs much better than the standard one in practice, despite not being stronger in terms of Linear Programming relaxation (LP). We empirically prove that this behaviour is due … Read more

Optimal parameter selection for the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM): quadratic problems

The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) has emerged as a powerful technique for large-scale structured optimization. Despite many recent results on the convergence properties of ADMM, a quantitative characterization of the impact of the algorithm parameters on the convergence times of the method is still lacking. In this paper we find the optimal algorithm … Read more

Faster, but Weaker, Relaxations for Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs

We introduce a new relaxation framework for nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programs (QCQPs). In contrast to existing relaxations based on semidefinite programming (SDP), our relaxations incorporate features of both SDP and second order cone programming (SOCP) and, as a result, solve more quickly than SDP. A downside is that the calculated bounds are weaker than … Read more

A Perturbed Sums of Squares Theorem for Polynomial Optimization and its Applications

We consider a property of positive polynomials on a compact set with a small perturbation. When applied to a Polynomial Optimization Problem (POP), the property implies that the optimal value of the corresponding SemiDefinite Programming (SDP) relaxation with sufficiently large relaxation order is bounded from below by $(f^¥ast – ¥epsilon)$ and from above by $f^¥ast … Read more

Optimal scaling of the ADMM algorithm for distributed quadratic programming

This paper presents optimal scaling of the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm for a class of distributed quadratic programming problems. The scaling corresponds to the ADMM step-size and relaxation parameter, as well as the edge-weights of the underlying communication graph. We optimize these parameters to yield the smallest convergence factor of the algorithm. … Read more

Embedded Online Optimization for Model Predictive Control at Megahertz Rates

Faster, cheaper, and more power efficient optimization solvers than those currently offered by general-purpose solutions are required for extending the use of model predictive control (MPC) to resource-constrained embedded platforms. We propose several custom computational architectures for different first-order optimization methods that can handle linear-quadratic MPC problems with input, input-rate, and soft state constraints. We … Read more

The Trust Region Subproblem with Non-Intersecting Linear Constraints

This paper studies an extended trust region subproblem (eTRS)in which the trust region intersects the unit ball with m linear inequality constraints. When m=0, m=1, or m=2 and the linear constraints are parallel, it is known that the eTRS optimal value equals the optimal value of a particular convex relaxation, which is solvable in polynomial … Read more