Can linear superiorization be useful for linear optimization problems?

Linear superiorization considers linear programming problems but instead of attempting to solve them with linear optimization methods it employs perturbation resilient feasibility-seeking algorithms and steers them toward reduced (not necessarily minimal) target function values. The two questions that we set out to explore experimentally are (i) Does linear superiorization provide a feasible point whose linear … Read more

An Augmented Lagrangian Filter Method for Real-Time Embedded Optimization

We present a filter line-search algorithm for nonconvex continuous optimization that combines an augmented Lagrangian function and a constraint violation metric to accept and reject steps. The approach is motivated by real-time optimization applications that need to be executed on embedded computing platforms with limited memory and processor speeds. In particular, the proposed method enables … Read more

On Unbounded Delays in Asynchronous Parallel Fixed-Point Algorithms

The need for scalable numerical solutions has motivated the development of asynchronous parallel algorithms, where a set of nodes run in parallel with little or no synchronization, thus computing with delayed information. This paper studies the convergence of the asynchronous parallel algorithm ARock under potentially unbounded delays. ARock is a general asynchronous algorithm that has … Read more

A simple preprocessing algorithm for semidefinite programming

We propose a very simple preprocessing algorithm for semidefinite programming. Our algorithm inspects the constraints of the problem, deletes redundant rows and columns in the constraints, and reduces the size of the variable matrix. It often detects infeasibility. Our algorithm does not rely on any optimization solver: the only subroutine it needs is Cholesky factorization, … Read more

Solving the bandwidth coloring problem applying constraint and integer programming techniques

In this paper, constraint and integer programming formulations are applied to solve Bandwidth Coloring Problem (BCP) and Bandwidth Multicoloring Problem (BMCP). The problems are modeled using distance geometry (DG) approaches, which are then used to construct the constraint programming formulation. The integer programming formulation is based on a previous formulation for the related Minimum Span … Read more

TMAC: A Toolbox of Modern Async-Parallel, Coordinate, Splitting, and Stochastic Methods

TMAC is a toolbox written in C++11 that implements algorithms based on a set of mod- ern methods for large-scale optimization. It covers a variety of optimization problems, which can be both smooth and nonsmooth, convex and nonconvex, as well as constrained and unconstrained. The algorithms implemented in TMAC, such as the coordinate up- date … Read more

Alternating Criteria Search: A Parallel Large Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Mixed Integer Programs

We present a parallel large neighborhood search framework for finding high quality primal solutions for generic Mixed Integer Programs (MIPs). The approach simultaneously solves a large number of sub-MIPs with the dual objective of reducing infeasibility and optimizing with respect to the original objective. Both goals are achieved by solving restricted versions of two auxiliary … Read more

pyomo.dae: A Modeling and Automatic Discretization Framework for Optimization with Differential and Algebraic Equations

We describe pyomo.dae, an open source Python-based modeling framework that enables high-level abstract specification of optimization problems with differential and algebraic equations. The pyomo.dae framework is integrated with the Pyomo open source algebraic modeling language, and is available at http: // One key feature of pyomo.dae is that it does not restrict users to standard, … Read more

Toward computer-assisted discovery and automated proofs of cutting plane theorems

Using a metaprogramming technique and semialgebraic computations, we provide computer-based proofs for old and new cutting-plane theorems in Gomory–Johnson’s model of cut generating functions. Citation to be presented at ISCO 2016 Article Download View Toward computer-assisted discovery and automated proofs of cutting plane theorems

A Framework for Solving Mixed-Integer Semidefinite Programs

Mixed-integer semidefinite programs arise in many applications and several problem-specific solution approaches have been studied recently. In this paper, we investigate a generic branch-and-bound framework for solving such problems. We first show that strict duality of the semidefinite relaxations is inherited to the subproblems. Then solver components like dual fixing, branching rules, and primal heuristics … Read more