Robust Optimization in Nanoparticle Technology: A Proof of Principle by Quantum Dot Growth in a Residence Time Reactor

Knowledge-based determination of the best-possible experimental setups for nanoparticle design is highly challenging. Additionally, such processes are accompanied by noticeable uncertainties. Therefore, protection against these uncertainties is needed. Robust optimization helps determining such best possible processes. The latter guarantees quality requirements regardless of how the uncertainties, e.g. with regard to variations in raw materials, heat … Read more

An adaptive robust optimization model for parallel machine scheduling

Real-life parallel machine scheduling problems can be characterized by: (i) limited information about the exact task duration at scheduling time, and (ii) an opportunity to reschedule the remaining tasks each time a task processing is completed and a machine becomes idle. Robust optimization is the natural methodology to cope with the first characteristic of duration … Read more

Optimal Transport in the Face of Noisy Data

Optimal transport distances are popular and theoretically well understood in the context of data-driven prediction. A flurry of recent work has popularized these distances for data-driven decision-making as well although their merits in this context are far less well understood. This in contrast to the more classical entropic distances which are known to enjoy optimal … Read more

Solving set-valued optimization problems using a multiobjective approach

Set-valued optimization using the set approach is a research topic of high interest due to its practical relevance and numerous interdependencies to other fields of optimization. However, it is a very difficult task to solve these optimzation problems even for specific cases. In this paper we study set-valued optimization problems and develop a multiobjective optimization … Read more

Minimizing delays of patient transports with incomplete information: A modeling approach based on the Vehicle Routing Problem

We investigate a challenging task in ambulatory care, the minimizing of delays of patient transports. In practice, a limited number of vehicles is available for non-rescue transports. Furthermore, the dispatcher rarely has access to complete information when establishing a transport plan for dispatching the vehicles. If additional transport is requested on demand then schedules need … Read more

A Bilevel Optimization Approach to Decide the Feasibility of Bookings in the European Gas Market

The European gas market is organized as a so-called entry-exit system with the main goal to decouple transport and trading. To this end, gas traders and the transmission system operator (TSO) sign so-called booking contracts that grant capacity rights to traders to inject or withdraw gas at certain nodes up to this capacity. On a … Read more

Utility Preference Robust Optimization with Moment-Type Information Structure

Utility preference robust optimization (PRO) models are recently proposed to deal with decision making problems where the decision maker’s true utility function is unknown and the optimal decision is based on the worst case utility function from an ambiguity set of utility functions. In this paper, we consider the case where the ambiguity set is … Read more

Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization Models for Support Vector Machine

In this paper we present novel data-driven optimization models for Support Vector Machines (SVM), with the aim of linearly separating two sets of points that have non-disjoint convex closures. Traditional classi cation algorithms assume that the training data points are always known exactly. However, real-life data are often subject to noise. To handle such uncertainty, we … Read more

Vessel Deployment with Limited Information: Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Models

This paper studies the fundamental vessel deployment problem in the liner shipping industry, which decides the numbers of mixed-type ships and their sailing frequencies on fixed routes to provide sufficient vessel capacity for fulfilling stochastic shipping demands with high probability. In reality, it is usually difficult (if not impossible) to acquire a precise joint distribution … Read more

A Steepest Descent Method for Set Optimization Problems with Set-Valued Mappings of Finite Cardinality

In this paper, we study a first-order solution method for a particular class of set optimization problems where the solution concept is given by the set approach. We consider the case in which the set-valued objective mapping is identified by a finite number of continuously differentiable selections. The corresponding set optimization problem is then equivalent … Read more