Data-driven Multistage Distributionally Robust Optimization with Nested Distance

We study multistage distributionally robust linear optimization, where the uncertainty set is a ball of distributions defined through the nested distance (Pflug and Pichler 2012) centered at a scenario tree. This choice of uncertainty set, as opposed to alternatives like the Wasserstein distance between stochastic processes, takes account of information evolution, making it hedge against … Read more

Robust Two-Stage Optimization with Covariate Data

We consider a generalization of two-stage decision problems in which the second-stage decision may be a function of a predictive signal but cannot adapt fully to the realized uncertainty. We will show how such problems can be learned from sample data by considering a family of regularized sample average formulations. Furthermore, our regularized data-driven formulations … Read more

Submodularity, pairwise independence and correlation gap

In this paper, we provide a characterization of the expected value of monotone submodular set functions with $n$ pairwise independent random inputs. Inspired by the notion of “correlation gap”, we study the ratio of the maximum expected value of a function with arbitrary dependence among the random inputs with given marginal probabilities to the maximum … Read more

Decarbonizing OCP

Problem definition: We present our collaboration with the OCP Group, one of the world’s largest producers of phosphate and phosphate-based products, in support of a green initiative designed to reduce OCP’s carbon emissions significantly. We study the problem of decarbonizing OCP’s electricity supply by installing a mixture of solar panels and batteries to minimize its … Read more

A Double-oracle, Logic-based Benders decomposition approach to solve the K-adaptability problem

We propose a novel approach to solve K-adaptability problems with convex objective and constraints and integer first-stage decisions. A logic-based Benders decomposition is applied to handle the first-stage decisions in a master problem, thus the sub-problem becomes a min-max-min robust combinatorial optimization problem that is solved via a double-oracle algorithm that iteratively generates adverse scenarios … Read more

Target-Oriented Regret Minimization for Satisficing Monopolists

We study a robust monopoly pricing problem where a seller aspires to sell an item to a buyer. We assume that the seller, unaware of the buyer’s willingness to pay, ambitiously optimizes over a space of all individual rational and incentive compatible mechanisms with a regret-type objective criterion. Using robust optimization, Kocyigit et al. (2021) … Read more

A General Wasserstein Framework for Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization: Tractability and Applications

Data-driven distributionally robust optimization is a recently emerging paradigm aimed at finding a solution that is driven by sample data but is protected against sampling errors. An increasingly popular approach, known as Wasserstein distributionally robust optimization (DRO), achieves this by applying the Wasserstein metric to construct a ball centred at the empirical distribution and finding … Read more

A New Dual-Based Cutting Plane Algorithm for Nonlinear Adjustable Robust Optimization

This paper explores a class of nonlinear Adjustable Robust Optimization (ARO) problems, containing here-and-now and wait-and-see variables, with uncertainty in the objective function and constraints. By applying Fenchel’s duality on the wait-and-see variables, we obtain an equivalent dual reformulation, which is a nonlinear static robust optimization problem. Using the dual formulation, we provide conditions under … Read more

Robust Contextual Portfolio Optimization with Gaussian Mixture Models

We consider the portfolio optimization problem with contextual information that is available to better quantify and predict the uncertain returns of assets. Motivated by the regime modeling techniques for the finance market, we consider the setting where both the uncertain returns and the contextual information follow a Gaussian Mixture (GM) distribution. This problem is shown … Read more

Hidden convexity in a class of optimization problems with bilinear terms

In this paper we identify a new class of nonconvex optimization problems that can be equivalently reformulated to convex ones. These nonconvex problems can be characterized by convex functions with bilinear arguments. We describe several examples of important applications that have this structure. A reformulation technique is presented which converts the problems in this class … Read more