Decomposition Methods for Solving Markov Decision Processes with Multiple Models of the Parameters

We consider the problem of decision-making in Markov decision processes (MDPs) when the reward or transition probability parameters are not known with certainty. We consider an approach in which the decision-maker (DM) considers multiple models of the parameters for an MDP and wishes to find a policy that optimizes an objective function that considers the … Read more

Parallelizing Subgradient Methods for the Lagrangian Dual in Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming

The dual decomposition of stochastic mixed-integer programs can be solved by the projected subgradient algorithm. We show how to make this algorithm more amenable to parallelization in a master-worker model by describing two approaches, which can be combined in a natural way. The first approach partitions the scenarios into batches, and makes separate use of … Read more

Multi-component Maintenance Optimization: A Stochastic Programming Approach

Maintenance optimization has been extensively studied in the past decades. However, most of the existing maintenance models focus on single-component systems. Multi-component maintenance optimization, which joins the stochastic failure processes with the combinatorial maintenance grouping problems, remains as an open issue. To address this challenge, we study this problem in a finite planning horizon by … Read more

The policy graph decomposition of multistage stochastic optimization problems

We propose the policy graph as a way of formulating multistage stochastic optimization problems. We also propose an extension to the stochastic dual dynamic programming algorithm to solve a class of problems formulated as a policy graph. This class includes discrete-time, infinite horizon, multistage stochastic optimization problems with continuous state and control variables. Article Download … Read more

A Data-Driven Approach to Multi-Stage Stochastic Linear Optimization

We propose a new data-driven approach for addressing multi-stage stochastic linear optimization problems with unknown distributions. The approach consists of solving a robust optimization problem that is constructed from sample paths of the underlying stochastic process. We provide asymptotic bounds on the gap between the optimal costs of the robust optimization problem and the underlying … Read more

Enhancing large neighbourhood search heuristics for Benders’ decomposition

A general enhancement of the Benders’ decomposition (BD) algorithm can be achieved through the improved use of large neighbourhood search heuristics within mixed-integer programming solvers. While mixed-integer programming solvers are endowed with an array of large neighbourhood search heuristics, few, if any, have been designed for BD. Further, typically the use of large neighbourhood search … Read more

Projective Hedging for Stochastic Programming

We propose a decomposition algorithm for multistage stochastic programming that resembles the progressive hedging method of Rockafellar and Wets, but is provably capable of several forms of asynchronous operation. We derive the method from a class of projective operator splitting methods fairly recently proposed by Combettes and Eckstein, significantly expanding the known applications of those … Read more

Bounds for Probabilistic Programming with Application to a Blend Planning Problem

In this paper, we derive deterministic inner approximations for single and joint probabilistic constraints based on classical inequalities from probability theory such as the one-sided Chebyshev inequality, Bernstein inequality, Chernoff inequality and Hoeffding inequality (see Pinter 1989). New assumptions under which the bounds based approximations are convex allowing to solve the problem efficiently are derived. … Read more

Inexact cutting planes for two-stage mixed-integer stochastic programs

We propose a novel way of applying cutting plane techniques to two-stage mixed-integer stochastic programs. Instead of using cutting planes that are always valid, our idea is to apply inexact cutting planes to the second-stage feasible regions that may cut away feasible integer second-stage solutions for some scenarios and may be overly conservative for others. … Read more

Scalable Branching on Dual Decomposition of Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming Problems

We present a scalable branching method for the dual decomposition of stochastic mixed-integer programming. Our new branching method is based on the branching method proposed by Caro e and Schultz that creates branching disjunctions on first-stage variables only. We propose improvements to the process for creating branching disjunctions, including 1) branching on the optimal solutions … Read more