From Data to Decisions: Distributionally Robust Optimization is Optimal

We study stochastic programs where the decision-maker cannot observe the distribution of the exogenous uncertainties but has access to a finite set of independent samples from this distribution. In this setting, the goal is to find a procedure that transforms the data to an estimate of the expected cost function under the unknown data-generating distribution, … Read more

Lifted Polymatroid Inequalities for Mean-Risk Optimization with Indicator Variables

We investigate a mixed 0-1 conic quadratic optimization problem with indicator variables arising in mean-risk optimization. The indicator variables are often used to model non-convexities such as fixed charges or cardinality constraints. Observing that the problem reduces to a submodular function minimization for its binary restriction, we derive three classes of strong convex valid inequalities … Read more

Sample Average Approximation with Adaptive Importance Sampling

We study sample average approximations under adaptive importance sampling in which the sample densities may depend on previous random samples. Based on a generic uniform law of large numbers, we establish uniform convergence of the sample average approximation to the true function. We obtain convergence of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the sample … Read more

Distributionally Robust Newsvendor Problems with Variation Distance

We use distributionally robust stochastic programs (DRSPs) to model a general class of newsvendor problems where the underlying demand distribution is unknown, and so the goal is to find an order quantity that minimizes the worst-case expected cost among an ambiguity set of distributions. The ambiguity set consists of those distributions that are not far—in … Read more

Co-optimization of Demand Response and Reserve Offers for a Major Consumer

In this paper we present a stochastic optimization problem for a strategic major consumer who has flexibility over its consumption and can offer reserve. Our model is a bi-level optimization model (reformulated as a mixed-integer program) that embeds the optimal power flow problem, in which electricity and reserve are co-optimized. We implement this model for … Read more

An Analytical Study of Norms and Banach Spaces Induced by the Entropic Value-at-Risk

This paper addresses the Entropic Value-at-Risk (EVaR), a recently introduced coherent risk measure. It is demonstrated that the norms induced by EVaR induce the same Banach spaces, irrespective of the confidence level. Three spaces, called the primal, dual, and bidual entropic spaces, corresponding with EVaR are fully studied. It is shown that these spaces equipped … Read more

A randomized method for smooth convex minimization, motivated by probability maximization

We propose a randomized gradient method – or a randomized cutting-plane method from a dual viewpoint. From the primal viewpoint, our method bears a resemblance to the stochastic approximation family. But in contrast to stochastic approximation, the present method builds a model problem. Citation Kecskemet College, Pallasz Athene University. Izsaki ut 10, 6000 Kecskemet, Hungary; … Read more

Optimal scenario generation and reduction in stochastic programming

Scenarios are indispensable ingredients for the numerical solution of stochastic optimization problems. Earlier approaches for optimal scenario generation and reduction are based on stability arguments involving distances of probability measures. In this paper we review those ideas and suggest to make use of stability estimates based on distances containing minimal information, i.e., on data appearing … Read more

Learning Enabled Optimization: Towards a Fusion of Statistical Learning and Stochastic Optimization

Several emerging applications, such as “Analytics of Things” and “Integrative Analytics” call for a fusion of statistical learning (SL) and stochastic optimization (SO). The Learning Enabled Optimization paradigm fuses concepts from these disciplines in a manner which not only enriches both SL and SO, but also provides a framework which supports rapid model updates and … Read more

Forecast-based scenario-tree generation method

Sometimes, the best available information about an uncertain future is a single forecast. On the other hand, stochastic-programming models need future data in the form of scenario trees. While a single forecast does not provide enough information to construct a scenario tree, a forecast combined with historical data does—but none of the standard scenario-generation methods … Read more