Select, Route and Schedule: Optimizing Community Paramedicine Service Delivery with Mandatory Visits and Patient Prioritization

Healthcare delivery in the United States has been characterized as overly reactive and dependent on emergency department care for safety net coverage, with opportunity for improvement around discharge planning and high readmissions and emergency department bounce-back rates. Community paramedicine is a recent healthcare innovation that enables proactive visitation of patients at home, often shortly after … Read more

Polyhedral Analysis of Symmetric Multilinear Polynomials over Box Constraints

It is well-known that the convex and concave envelope of a multilinear polynomial over a box are polyhedral functions. Exponential-sized extended and projected formulations for these envelopes are also known. We consider the convexification question for multilinear polynomials that are symmetric with respect to permutations of variables. Such a permutation-invariant structure naturally implies a quadratic-sized … Read more

ALSO-X and ALSO-X+: Better Convex Approximations for Chance Constrained Programs

In a chance constrained program (CCP), the decision-makers aim to seek the best decision whose probability of violating the uncertainty constraints is within the prespecified risk level. As a CCP is often nonconvex and is difficult to solve to optimality, much effort has been devoted to developing convex inner approximations for a CCP, among which … Read more

A dynamic programming approach to segmented isotonic regression

This paper proposes a polynomial-time algorithm to construct the monotone stepwise curve that minimizes the sum of squared errors with respect to a given cloud of data points. The fitted curve is also constrained on the maximum number of steps it can be composed of and on the minimum step length. Our algorithm relies on … Read more

Pareto Adaptive Robust Optimality via a Fourier-Motzkin Elimination Lens

We formalize the concept of Pareto Adaptive Robust Optimality (PARO) for linear Adaptive Robust Optimization (ARO) problems. A worst-case optimal solution pair of here-and-now decisions and wait-and-see decisions is PARO if it cannot be Pareto dominated by another solution, i.e., there does not exist another such pair that performs at least as good in all … Read more

A Distributed and Secure Algorithm for Computing Dominant SVD Based on Projection Splitting

In this paper, we propose and study a distributed and secure algorithm for computing dominant (or truncated) singular value decompositions (SVD) of large and distributed data matrices. We consider the scenario where each node privately holds a subset of columns and only exchanges “safe” information with other nodes in a collaborative effort to calculate a … Read more

Accelerating Inexact Successive Quadratic Approximation for Regularized Optimization Through Manifold Identification

For regularized optimization that minimizes the sum of a smooth term and a regularizer that promotes structured solutions, inexact proximal-Newton-type methods, or successive quadratic approximation (SQA) methods, are widely used for their superlinear convergence in terms of iterations. However, unlike the counter parts in smooth optimization, they suffer from lengthy running time in solving regularized … Read more

Algorithms for Block Tridiagonal Systems: Foundations and New Results for Generalized Kalman Smoothing

Block tridiagonal systems appear in classic Kalman smoothing problems, as well in generalized Kalman smoothing, where problems may have nonsmooth terms, singular covariance, constraints, nonlinear models, and unknown parameters. In this paper, first we interpret all the classic smoothing algorithms as different approaches to solve positive definite block tridiagonal linear systems. Then, we obtain new … Read more

On the Linear Convergence to Weak/Standard D-stationary Points of DCA-based Algorithms for Structured Nonsmooth DC Programming

We consider a class of structured nonsmooth difference-of-convex minimization. We allow nonsmoothness in both the convex and concave components in the objective function, with a finite max structure in the concave part. Our focus is on algorithms that compute a (weak or standard) d(irectional)-stationary point as advocated in a recent work of Pang et al. … Read more

A New Dual Face Algorithm Using LU Factorization for Linear Programming

The dual face algorithm for linear programming (LP) was proposed by the author in 2014. Using QR factorization, it proceeds from dual face to dual face, until reaching an optimal dual face along with dual and primal optimal solutions, unless detecting infeasibility of the problem. On the other hand, a variant of the algorithm using … Read more