Optimization Problems Involving Matrix Multiplication with Applications in Material Science and Biology

We consider optimization problems involving the multiplication of variable matrices to be selected from a given family, which might be a discrete set, a continuous set or a combination of both. Such nonlinear, and possibly discrete, optimization problems arise in applications from biology and material science among others, and are known to be NP-Hard for … Read more

The high-order block RIP for non-convex block-sparse compressed sensing

This paper concentrates on the recovery of block-sparse signals, which is not only sparse but also nonzero elements are arrayed into some blocks (clusters) rather than being arbitrary distributed all over the vector, from linear measurements. We establish high-order sufficient conditions based on block RIP to ensure the exact recovery of every block $s$-sparse signal … Read more

Expected complexity analysis of stochastic direct-search

This work presents the convergence rate analysis of stochastic variants of the broad class of direct-search methods of directional type. It introduces an algorithm designed to optimize differentiable objective functions $f$ whose values can only be computed through a stochastically noisy blackbox. The proposed stochastic directional direct-search (SDDS) algorithm accepts new iterates by imposing a … Read more

The perturbation analysis of nonconvex low-rank matrix robust recovery

In this paper, we bring forward a completely perturbed nonconvex Schatten $p$-minimization to address a model of completely perturbed low-rank matrix recovery. The paper that based on the restricted isometry property generalizes the investigation to a complete perturbation model thinking over not only noise but also perturbation, gives the restricted isometry property condition that guarantees … Read more

Complexity iteration analysis for stongly convex multi-objective optimization using a Newton path-following procedure

In this note we consider the iteration complexity of solving strongly convex multi objective optimization. We discuss the precise meaning of this problem, and indicate it is loosely defined, but the most natural notion is to find a set of Pareto optimal points across a grid of scalarized problems. We derive that in most cases, … Read more

Constraint Qualifications for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions in Constrained Multiobjective Optimization

The notion of a normal cone of a given set is paramount in optimization and variational analysis. In this work, we give a definition of a multiobjective normal cone which is suitable for studying optimality conditions and constraint qualifications for multiobjective optimization problems. A detailed study of the properties of the multiobjective normal cone is … Read more

A Classifier to Decide on the Linearization of Mixed-Integer Quadratic Problems in CPLEX

We translate the algorithmic question of whether to linearize convex Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming problems (MIQPs) into a classification task, and use machine learning (ML) techniques to tackle it. We represent MIQPs and the linearization decision by careful target and feature engineering. Computational experiments and evaluation metrics are designed to further incorporate the optimization knowledge in … Read more

Distribution-free Algorithms for Learning Enabled Optimization with Non-parametric Estimation

This paper studies a fusion of concepts from stochastic optimization and non-parametric statistical learning, in which data is available in the form of covariates interpreted as predictors and responses. Such models are designed to impart greater agility, allowing decisions under uncertainty to adapt to the knowledge of the predictors (leading indicators). Specialized algorithms can be … Read more

On optimality conditions for nonlinear conic programming

Sequential optimality conditions have played a major role in proving stronger global convergence results of numerical algorithms for nonlinear programming. Several extensions have been described in conic contexts, where many open questions have arisen. In this paper, we present new sequential optimality conditions in the context of a general nonlinear conic framework, which explains and … Read more

Testing Copositivity via Mixed-Integer Linear Programming

We describe a simple method to test if a given matrix is copositive by solving a single mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem. This methodology requires no special coding to implement and takes advantage of the computational power of modern MILP solvers. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the method is robust and efficient. Citation Dept. of Business … Read more