Axial symmetry indices for convex cones: axiomatic formalism and applications

We address the issue of measuring the degree of axial symmetry of a convex cone. By following an axiomatic approach, we introduce and explore the concept of axial symmetry index. This concept is illustrated with the help of several interesting examples. By way of application, we establish a conic version of the Blekherman inequality concerning … Read more

Dual approach for two-stage robust nonlinear optimization

Adjustable robust minimization problems in which the adjustable variables appear in a convex way are difficult to solve. For example, if we substitute linear decision rules for the adjustable variables, then the model becomes convex in the uncertain parameters, whereas for computational tractability we need concavity in the uncertain parameters. In this paper we reformulate … Read more

MIQP-Based Algorithm for the Global Solution of Economic Dispatch Problems with Valve-Point Effects

Even in a static setting, the economic load dispatch problem (ELDP)—namely the cost-optimal distribution of power among generating units to meet a specific demand subject to system constraints—turns out to be a challenge owing to the consideration of valve-point effects (VPE), which make the cost function nonsmooth and nonconvex. We present a new method, termed … Read more

Scenario Reduction for Risk-Averse Stochastic Programs

In this paper we discuss scenario reduction methods for risk-averse stochastic optimization problems. Scenario reduction techniques have received some attention in the literature and are used by practitioners, as such methods allow for an approximation of the random variables in the problem with a moderate number of scenarios, which in turn make the optimization problem … Read more

Models and algorithms for the robust resource constrained shortest path problem

We study the robust resource constrained shortest path problem (RCSPP) under uncertainty in cost and multiple resource consumption. Contrary to the deterministic RCSPP where the cost and the consumption of resources on an arc are known and fixed, the robust RCSPP models the case where both the cost and the resource consumption are random, and … Read more

A Stochastic Semismooth Newton Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

In this work, we present a globalized stochastic semismooth Newton method for solving stochastic optimization problems involving smooth nonconvex and nonsmooth convex terms in the objective function. We assume that only noisy gradient and Hessian information of the smooth part of the objective function is available via calling stochastic first and second order oracles. The … Read more

Approximation Algorithms for D-optimal Design

Experimental design is a classical statistics problem and its aim is to estimate an unknown m-dimensional vector from linear measurements where a Gaussian noise is introduced in each measurement. For the combinatorial experimental design problem, the goal is to pick k out of the given n experiments so as to make the most accurate estimate … Read more

Superiorization and perturbation resilience of algorithms: A continuously updated bibliography

This document presents a, chronologically ordered, bibliography of scientific publications on the superiorization methodology and perturbation resilience of algorithms which is compiled and continuously updated by us at: Since the topic is relatively new it is possible to trace the work that has been published about it since its inception. To the best of … Read more

Strong Convex Nonlinear Relaxations of the Pooling Problem

We investigate new convex relaxations for the pooling problem, a classic nonconvex production planning problem in which input materials are mixed in intermediate pools, with the outputs of these pools further mixed to make output products meeting given attribute percentage requirements. Our relaxations are derived by considering a set which arises from the formulation by … Read more

A finite ε-convergence algorithm for two-stage convex 0-1 mixed-integer nonlinear stochastic programs with mixed-integer first and second stage variables

In this paper, we propose a generalized Benders decomposition-based branch and bound algorithm, GBDBAB, to solve two-stage convex 0-1 mixed-integer nonlinear stochastic programs with mixed-integer variables in both first and second stage decisions. In order to construct the convex hull of the MINLP subproblem for each scenario in closed-form, we first represent each MINLP subproblem … Read more