Risk-aware Logic-based Benders Decomposition for a Location-Allocation-Pricing Problem with Stochastic Price-Sensitive Demands

We consider a capacitated location-allocation-pricing problem in a single-commodity supply chain with stochastic price-sensitive demands, where the location, allocation and pricing decisions are made simultaneously. Under a general risk measure representing an arbitrary risk tolerance policy, the problem is modeled as a two-stage stochastic mixed-integer program with a translation-invariant monotone risk measure. To solve the … Read more

On the Value of Multistage Risk-Averse Stochastic Facility Location With or Without Prioritization

We consider a multiperiod stochastic capacitated facility location problem under uncertain demand and budget in each period. Using a scenario tree representation of the uncertainties, we formulate a multistage stochastic integer program to dynamically locate facilities in each period and compare it with a two-stage approach that determines the facility locations up front. In the … Read more

Dynamic Portfolio Selection with Linear Control Policies for Coherent Risk Minimization

This paper is concerned with a linear control policy for dynamic portfolio selection. We develop this policy by incorporating time-series behaviors of asset returns on the basis of coherent risk minimization. Analyzing the dual form of our optimization model, we demonstrate that the investment performance of linear control policies is directly connected to the intertemporal … Read more

Dynamic Risked Equilibrium

We revisit the correspondence of competitive partial equilibrium with a social optimum in markets where risk-averse agents solve multistage stochastic optimization problems formulated in scenario trees. The agents trade a commodity that is produced from an uncertain supply of resources which can be stored. The agents can also trade risk using Arrow-Debreu securities. In this … Read more

Statistical inference and hypotheses testing of risk averse stochastic programs

We study statistical properties of the optimal value and optimal solutions of the Sample Average Approximation of risk averse stochastic problems. Central Limit Theorem type results are derived for the optimal value and optimal solutions when the stochastic program is expressed in terms of a law invariant coherent risk measure. The obtained results are applied … Read more

Dynamic sampling algorithms for multi-stage stochastic programs with risk aversion

We consider the incorporation of a time-consistent coherent risk measure into a multi-stage stochastic programming model, so that the model can be solved using a SDDP-type algorithm. We describe the implementation of this algorithm, and study the solutions it gives for an application of hydro-thermal scheduling in the New Zealand electricity system. The performance of … Read more

A Multi-Product Risk-Averse Newsvendor with Law Invariant Coherent Measures of Risk

We consider a multi-product newsvendor under the law-invariant coherent risk measures. We first establish a few fundamental properties of the model regarding the convexity of the problem, the symmetry of the solution and the impact of risk aversion. Specifically, we show that for identical products with independent demands, increased risk aversion leads to decreased orders. … Read more