A New Approach to the Feasibility Pump in Mixed Integer Programming

The feasibility pump is a recent, highly successful heuristic for general mixed integer linear programming problems. We show that the feasibility pump heuristic can be interpreted as a discrete version of the proximal point algorithm. In doing so, we extend and generalize some of the fundamental results in this area to provide new supporting theory. … Read more

Optimal Response to Epidemics and Cyber Attacks in Networks

This paper introduces novel formulations for optimally responding to epidemics and cyber attacks in networks. In our models, at a given time period, network nodes (e.g., users or computing resources) are associated with probabilities of being infected, and each network edge is associated with some probability of propagating the infection. A decision maker would like … Read more

An Exact Algorithm for Power Grid Interdiction Problem with Line Switching

Power grid vulnerability analysis is often performed through solving a bi-level optimization problem, which, if solved to optimality, yields the most destructive interdiction plan with the worst loss. As one of the most effective operations to mitigate deliberate outages or attacks, transmission line switching recently has been included and modeled by a binary variable in … Read more

On t-branch split cuts for mixed-integer programs

In this paper we study the t-branch split cuts introduced by Li and Richard (2008). They presented a family of mixed-integer programs with n integer variables and a single continuous variable and conjectured that the convex hull of integer solutions for any n has unbounded rank with respect to (n-1)-branch split cuts. It was shown … Read more

The Triangle Closure is a Polyhedron

Recently, cutting planes derived from maximal lattice-free convex sets have been studied intensively by the integer programming community. An important question in this research area has been to decide whether the closures associated with certain families of lattice-free sets are polyhedra. For a long time, the only result known was the celebrated theorem of Cook, … Read more

How tight is the corner relaxation? Insights gained from the stable set problem

The corner relaxation of a mixed-integer linear program is a central concept in cutting plane theory. In a recent paper Fischetti and Monaci provide an empirical assessment of the strength of the corner and other related relaxations on benchmark problems. In this paper we give a precise characterization of the bounds given by these relaxations … Read more

Mixed n-Step MIR Inequalities: Facets for the n-Mixing Set

Gunluk and Pochet [O. Gunluk, Y. Pochet: Mixing mixed integer inequalities. Mathematical Programming 90(2001) 429-457] proposed a procedure to mix mixed integer rounding (MIR) inequalities. The mixed MIR inequalities define the convex hull of the mixing set $\{(y^1,\ldots,y^m,v) \in Z^m \times R_+:\alpha_1 y^i + v \geq \b_i,i=1,\ldots,m\}$ and can also be used to generate valid … Read more

Lower bounds for Chvátal-Gomory style operators

Valid inequalities or cutting planes for (mixed-) integer programming problems are an essential theoretical tool for studying combinatorial properties of polyhedra. They are also of utmost importance for solving optimization problems in practice; in fact any modern solver relies on several families of cutting planes. The Chvátal-Gomory procedure, one such approach, has a peculiarity that … Read more

Cuts over Extended Formulations by Flow Discretization

Large-sized extended formulations have the potential for providing high-quality bounds on some combinatorial optimization problems where the natural formulations perform poorly. This chapter discusses the use of some families of cuts that have been recently applied on extended formulations that are obtained by the discretization of the continuous variables occurring in the natural formulation of … Read more

Algorithimic and Complexity Results for Cutting Planes Derived from Maximal Lattice-Free Convex Sets

We study a mixed integer linear program with $m$ integer variables and $k$ non-negative continuous variables in the form of the relaxation of the corner polyhedron that was introduced by Andersen, Louveaux, Weismantel and Wolsey [\emph{Inequalities from two rows of a simplex tableau}, Proc.\ IPCO 2007, LNCS, vol.~4513, Springer, pp.~1–15]. We describe the facets of … Read more