Complexity results for the gap inequalities for the max-cut problem

In 1996, Laurent and Poljak introduced an extremely general class of cutting planes for the max-cut problem, called gap inequalities. We prove several results about them, including the following: (i) there must exist non-dominated gap inequalities with gap larger than 1, unless NP = co-NP; (ii) there must exist non-dominated gap inequalities with exponentially large … Read more

Strong Dual for Conic Mixed-Integer Programs

Mixed-integer conic programming is a generalization of mixed-integer linear programming. In this paper, we present an extension of the duality theory for mixed-integer linear programming to the case of mixed-integer conic programming. In particular, we construct a subadditive dual for mixed-integer conic programming problems. Under a simple condition on the primal problem, we are able … Read more

Solving Mixed Integer Bilinear Problems using MILP formulations

In this paper, we examine a mixed integer linear programming (MIP) reformulation for mixed integer bilinear problems where each bilinear term involves the product of a nonnegative integer variable and a nonnegative continuous variable. This reformulation is obtained by first replacing a general integer variable with its binary expansion and then using McCormick envelopes to … Read more

Implementing the simplex method as a cutting-plane method

We show that the simplex method can be interpreted as a cutting-plane method, assumed that a special pricing rule is used. This approach is motivated by the recent success of the cutting-plane method in the solution of special stochastic programming problems. We compare the classic Dantzig pricing rule and the rule that derives from the … Read more

Coordinated cutting plane generation via multi-objective separation

In cutting plane methods, the question of how to generate the “best possible” set of cuts is both central and crucial. We propose a lexicographic multi-objective cutting plane generation scheme that generates, among all the maximally violated valid inequalities of a given family, an inequality that is undominated and maximally diverse w.r.t. the cuts that … Read more

Solving Two-stage Robust Optimization Problems by A Constraint-and-Column Generation Method

We present a constraint-and-column generation algorithm to solve two-stage robust optimization problems. Compared with existing Benders style cutting plane methods, it is a general procedure with a unified approach to deal with optimality and feasibility. A computational study on a two-stage robust location-transportation problem shows that it performs an order of magnitude faster. Also, it … Read more

Design and Verify: A New Scheme for Generating Cutting-Planes

A cutting-plane procedure for integer programming (IP) problems usually involves invoking a black-box procedure (such as the Gomory-Chvatal (GC) procedure) to compute a cutting-plane. In this paper, we describe an alternative paradigm of using the same cutting-plane black-box. This involves two steps. In the first step, we design an inequality cx = d + 1\} … Read more

An algorithm for the separation of two-row cuts

We consider the question of finding deep cuts from a model constructed with two rows of a simplex tableau. To do that, we show how to reduce the complexity of setting up the polar of such model from a quadratic number of integer hull computations to a linear number of integer hull computations. Furthermore we … Read more

A Chance-Constrained Model & Cutting Planes for Fixed Broadband Wireless Networks

In this paper, we propose a chance-constrained mathematical program for fixed broadband wireless networks under unreliable channel conditions. The model is reformulated as integer linear program and valid inequalities are derived for the corresponding polytope. Computational results show that by an exact separation approach the optimality gap is closed by 42 % on average. Article … Read more

LP and SDP Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for the Minimum Graph Bisection Problem: A Computational Comparison

While semidefinite relaxations are known to deliver good approximations for combinatorial optimization problems like graph bisection, their practical scope is mostly associated with small dense instances. For large sparse instances, cutting plane techniques are considered the method of choice. These are also applicable for semidefinite relaxations via the spectral bundle method, which allows to exploit … Read more