The Mcf-Separator – Detecting and Exploiting Multi-Commodity Flow Structures in MIPs

Given a general mixed integer program (MIP), we automatically detect block structures in the constraint matrix together with the coupling by capacity constraints arising from multi-commodity flow formulations. We identify the underlying graph and generate cutting planes based on cuts in the detected network. Our implementation adds a separator to the branch-and-cut libraries of Scip … Read more

Concrete Structure Design Using Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming with Complementarity Constraints

We present a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) formulation to achieve minimum-cost designs for reinforced concrete (RC) structures that satisfy building code requirements. The objective function includes material and labor costs for concrete, steel reinforcing bars, and formwork according to typical contractor methods. Restrictions enforce correct geometry of the cross-section dimensions for each element and relative … Read more

Two-Stage Robust Unit Commitment Problem

As an energy market transforms from a regulated market to a deregulated one, the demands for a power plant are highly uncertain. In this paper, we study a two-stage robust optimization formulation and provide a tractable solution approach for the problem. The computational experiments show the effectiveness of our approach. Article Download View Two-Stage Robust … Read more

Finite Disjunctive Programming Characterizations for General Mixed-Integer Linear Programs

In this paper, we give a finite disjunctive programming procedure to obtain the convex hull of general mixed-integer linear programs (MILP) with bounded integer variables. We propose a finitely convergent convex hull tree algorithm which constructs a linear program that has the same optimal solution as the associated MILP. In addition, we combine the standard … Read more

Lifting Group Inequalities and an Application to Mixing Inequalities

Given a valid inequality for the mixed integer infinite group relaxation, a lifting based approach is presented that can be used to strengthen this inequality. Bounds on the solution of the corresponding lifting problem and some necessary conditions for the lifted inequality to be minimal for the mixed integer infinite group relaxation are presented. Finally, … Read more

Split Rank of Triangle and Quadrilateral Inequalities

A simple relaxation of two rows of a simplex tableau is a mixed integer set consisting of two equations with two free integer variables and non-negative continuous variables. Recently Andersen et al. (2007) and Cornuejols and Margot (2007) showed that the facet-defining inequalities of this set are either split cuts or intersection cuts obtained from … Read more

Valid inequalities and Branch-and-Cut for the Clique Pricing Problem

Motivated by an application in highway pricing, we consider the problem that consists in setting profit-maximizing tolls on a clique subset of a multicommodity transportation network. Following a proof that clique pricing is NP-hard, we propose strong valid inequalities, some of which define facets of the 2-commodity polyhedron. The numerical efficiency of these inequalities is … Read more

Strengthening lattice-free cuts using non-negativity

In recent years there has been growing interest in generating valid inequalities for mixed-integer programs using sets with 2 or more constraints. In particular, Andersen (2007) and Borozan and Cornue’jols (2007) study sets defined by equations that contain exactly one integer variable per row. The integer variables are not restricted in sign. Cutting planes … Read more

Constrained Infinite Group Relaxations of MIPs

Recently minimal and extreme inequalities for continuous group relaxations of general mixed integer sets have been characterized. In this paper, we consider a stronger relaxation of general mixed integer sets by allowing constraints, such as bounds, on the free integer variables in the continuous group relaxation. We generalize a number of results for the continuous … Read more

On Mixing Sets Arising in Chance-Constrained Programming

The mixing set with a knapsack constraint arises in deterministic equivalent of probabilistic programming problems with finite discrete distributions. We first consider the case that the probabilistic program has equal probabilities for each scenario. We study the resulting mixing set with a cardinality constraint and propose facet-defining inequalities that subsume known explicit inequalities for this … Read more