Pricing in Multi-Interval Real-Time Markets

This paper examines multi-interval real-time markets in the context of US independent system operators (ISOs). We show that current ISO implementations that settle only the upcoming interval of the multi-interval solution can create incentive problems. Fundamentally, this is the result of each successive optimization problem treating historical losses as sunk costs. To solve the incentive … Read more

The Impact of Potential-Based Physics Models on Pricing in Energy Networks

Pricing of access to energy networks is an important issue in liberalized energy sectors because of the natural monopoly character of the underlying transport infrastructures. We introduce a general pricing framework for potential-based energy flows in arbitrarily structured transport networks. In different specifications of our general pricing model we discuss first- and second-best pricing results … Read more

Robust Multidimensional Pricing: Separation without Regret

We study a robust monopoly pricing problem with a minimax regret objective, where a seller endeavors to sell multiple goods to a single buyer, only knowing that the buyer’s values for the goods range over a rectangular uncertainty set. We interpret this pricing problem as a zero-sum game between the seller, who chooses a selling … Read more

Pricing wind: a revenue adequate, cost recovering uniform auction for electricity markets with intermittent generation

With greater penetration of renewable generation, the uncertainty faced in electricity markets has increased substantially. Conventionally, generators are assigned a pre-dispatch quantity in advance of real time, based on estimates of uncertain quantities. Expensive real time adjustments then need to be made to ensure demand is met, as uncertainty takes on a realization. We propose … Read more

A Practical Price Optimization Approach for Omni-channel Retailing

Consumers are increasingly navigating across sales channels to make purchases. The common retail practice of pricing channels independently is unable to achieve the desired profitable coordination required between channels. As part of a joint partnership agreement with IBM Commerce, we engaged with three major retailers over two years, and developed advanced omni-channel pricing (OCP) solutions … Read more

Uniqueness of Market Equilibrium on a Network: A Peak-Load Pricing Approach

In this paper we establish conditions under which uniqueness of market equilibrium is obtained in a setup where prior to trading of electricity, transmission capacities between different market regions are fixed. In our setup, firms facing fluctuating demand decide on the size and location of production facilities. They make production decisions constrained by the invested … Read more

A data-driven, distribution-free, multivariate approach to the price-setting newsvendor problem

Many aspects of the classical price-setting newsvendor problem have been studied in the literature and most of the results pertain to the case where the price-demand relationship and demand distribution are explicitly provided. However, in practice, one needs to model and estimate these from historical sales data. Furthermore, many other drivers besides price must be … Read more

Optimal management and sizing of energy storage under dynamic pricing for the efficient integration of renewable energy

In this paper, we address the optimal energy storage management and sizing problem in the presence of renewable energy and dynamic pricing. We formulate the problem as a stochastic dynamic programming problem that aims to minimize the long-term average cost of conventional generation used as well as investment in storage, if any, while satisfying all … Read more

Robust Timing of Markdowns

We propose an approach to the timing of markdowns over a finite time horizon that does not require the precise knowledge of the underlying probabilities, instead relying on range forecasts for the arrival rates of the demand processes, and that captures the degree of the manager’s risk aversion through intuitive budget-of-uncertainty functions. These budget functions … Read more

A parallel between two classes of pricing problems in transportation and economics

In this work, we establish a parallel between two classes of pricing problems that have attracted the attention of researchers in economics, theoretical computer science and operations research, each community addressing issues from its own vantage point. More precisely, we contrast the problems of pricing a network or a product line, in order to achieve … Read more