Modeling Multi-stage Decision Making under Incomplete and Uncertain Information

We propose a new universal framework for multi-stage decision making under limited information availability. It is developed as part of a larger research project which aims at providing analytical methods to compare and evaluate different models and algorithms for multi-stage decision making. In our setting, we have an open time horizon and limited information about … Read more

ROC++: Robust Optimization in C++

Over the last two decades, robust optimization has emerged as a popular means to address decision-making problems affected by uncertainty. This includes single- and multi-stage problems involving real-valued and/or binary decisions, and affected by exogenous (decision-independent) and/or endogenous (decision-dependent) uncertain parameters. Robust optimization techniques rely on duality theory potentially augmented with approximations to transform a … Read more

Γ-counterparts for robust nonlinear combinatorial and discrete optimization

Γ-uncertainties have been introduced for adjusting the degree of conservatism ofrobust counterparts of (discrete) linear optimization problems under interval uncertainty. Thisarticle’s contribution is a generalization of this approach to (mixed-integer) nonlinear optimizationproblems. We focus on the cases in which the uncertainty is linear but also derive formulationsfor the general case. We present cases where the … Read more

Robustification of the k-Means Clustering Problem and Tailored Decomposition Methods: When More Conservative Means More Accurate

k-means clustering is a classic method of unsupervised learning with the aim of partitioning a given number of measurements into k clusters. In many modern applications, however, this approach suffers from unstructured measurement errors because the k-means clustering result then represents a clustering of the erroneous measurements instead of retrieving the true underlying clustering structure. … Read more

Reliable Frequency Regulation through Vehicle-to-Grid: Encoding Legislation with Robust Constraints

Problem definition: Vehicle-to-grid increases the low utilization rate of privately owned electric vehicles by making their batteries available to electricity grids. We formulate a robust optimization problem that maximizes a vehicle owner’s expected profit from selling primary frequency regulation to the grid and guarantees that market commitments are met at all times for all frequency … Read more

Gamma-Robust Electricity Market Equilibrium Models with Transmission and Generation Investments

We consider uncertain robust electricity market equilibrium problems including transmission and generation investments. Electricity market equilibrium modeling has a long tradition but is, in most of the cases, applied in a deterministic setting in which all data of the model are known. Whereas there exist some literature on stochastic equilibrium problems, the field of robust … Read more

Dynamic Portfolio Selection with Linear Control Policies for Coherent Risk Minimization

This paper is concerned with a linear control policy for dynamic portfolio selection. We develop this policy by incorporating time-series behaviors of asset returns on the basis of coherent risk minimization. Analyzing the dual form of our optimization model, we demonstrate that the investment performance of linear control policies is directly connected to the intertemporal … Read more

Gamma-Robust Linear Complementarity Problems with Ellipsoidal Uncertainty Sets

We study uncertain linear complementarity problems (LCPs), i.e., problems in which the LCP vector q or the LCP matrix M may contain uncertain parameters. To this end, we use the concept of Gamma-robust optimization applied to the gap function formulation of the LCP. Thus, this work builds upon [16]. There, we studied Gamma-robustified LCPs for … Read more

Robust Optimization with Decision-Dependent Information Discovery

Robust optimization (RO) is a popular paradigm for modeling and solving two- and multi-stage decision-making problems affected by uncertainty. In many real-world applications, such as R&D project selection, production planning, or preference elicitation for product or policy recommendations, the time of information discovery is decision-dependent and the uncertain parameters only become observable after an often costly … Read more

Robust Optimal Aiming Strategies in Concentrated Solar Tower Power Plants

A concentrated solar tower power plant consists of a receiver mounted atop of a central tower and a field of movable mirrors called heliostats. The heliostats concentrate solar radiation onto the receiver where a fluid is heated to produce electricity in a conventional thermodynamic cycle. Aiming strategies are used to assign each heliostat to an … Read more