Perspective Reformulations of Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs with Indicator Variables

We study mixed integer nonlinear programs (MINLP)s that are driven by a collection of indicator variables where each indicator variable controls a subset of the decision variables. An indicator variable, when it is “turned off”, forces some of the decision variables to assume fixed values, and, when it is “turned on”, forces them to belong … Read more

An annotated bibliography of GRASP, Part I: Algorithms

A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization. It is a multi-start or iterative process, in which each GRASP iteration consists of two phases, a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is produced, and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighborhood of the constructed … Read more


Sequential quadratic programming (SQP) methods form a class of highly efficient algorithms for solving nonlinearly constrained optimization problems. Although second derivative information may often be calculated, there is little practical theory that justifies exact-Hessian SQP methods. In particular, the resulting quadratic programming (QP) subproblems are often nonconvex, and thus finding their global solutions may be … Read more

A genetic algorithm with random keys for routing and wavelength assignment

The problem of routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks consists in routing a set of lightpaths and assigning a wavelength to each of them, such that lightpaths whose routes share a common fiber are assigned different wavelengths. This problem was shown to be NP-hard when the objective is to … Read more

An annotated bibliography of GRASP, Part II: Applications

A greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP) is a metaheuristic for combinatorial optimization. It is a multi-start or iterative process, in which each GRASP iteration consists of two phases, a construction phase, in which a feasible solution is produced, and a local search phase, in which a local optimum in the neighborhood of the constructed … Read more

Construction of Covariance Matrices with a specified Discrepancy Function Minimizer, with Application to Factor Analysis

The main goal of this paper is to develop a numerical procedure for construction of covariance matrices such that for a given covariance structural model and a discrepancy function the corresponding minimizer of the discrepancy function has a specified value. Often construction of such matrices is a first step in Monte Carlo studies of statistical … Read more

A Comparison of Software Packages for Verified Linear Programming

Linear programming is arguably one of the most basic forms of optimization. Its theory and algorithms can not only be applied to linear optimization problems but also to relaxations of nonlinear problems and branch-and-bound methods for mixed-integer and global optimization problems. Recent research shows that against intuition bad condition numbers frequently occur in linear programming. … Read more

Separation of Mixing Inequalities in a Mixed Integer Programming Solver

This paper shows how valid inequalities based on the mixing set can be used in a mixed integer programming (MIP) solver. It discusses the relation of mixing inequalities to flow path and mixed integer rounding in- equalities and how currently used separation algorithms already generate cuts implicitly that can be seen as mixing cuts. Further … Read more

Robust Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithms for Vehicle Routing Problems

This article presents techniques for constructing robust Branch-Cutand-Price algorithms on a number of Vehicle Routing Problem variants. The word “robust” stress the effort of controlling the worst-case complexity of the pricing subproblem, keeping it pseudo-polynomial. Besides summarizing older research on the topic, some promising new lines of investigation are also presented, specially the development of … Read more

A Robust Branch-Cut-and-Price Algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem

This paper presents a robust branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HFVRP), vehicles may have distinct capacities and costs. The columns in the formulation are associated to q-routes, a relaxation of capacitated elementary routes that makes the pricing problem solvable in pseudo-polynomial time. Powerful new families of cuts are also proposed, which … Read more