Commodity Prioritized Maximum Dynamic Multi-Commodity Flow Problem

Due to different disasters, natural or men made, world is facing the problem of massive damage of life and property. To save the life of maximum number of evacuees, an efficient evacuation planning is essential. Prioritization is the process of deciding the relative importance or urgency of things or objects. It helps to focus on … Read more

Data-Driven Optimization with Distributionally Robust Second-Order Stochastic Dominance Constraints

Optimization with stochastic dominance constraints has recently received an increasing amount of attention in the quantitative risk management literature. Instead of requiring that the probabilistic description of the uncertain parameters be exactly known, this paper presents the first comprehensive study of a data-driven formulation of the distributionally robust second-order stochastic dominance constrained problem (DRSSDCP) that … Read more

An exact (re)optimization framework for real-time traffic management

In real-time traffic management, a new schedule for the vehicles must be computed whenever a deviation from the current plan is detected, or periodically after some time. If this time interval is relatively small, then each two consecutive instances are likely to be similar. We exploit this aspect to derive an exact reoptimization framework for … Read more

Unbiased Subdata Selection for Fair Classification: A Unified Framework and Scalable Algorithms

As an important problem in modern data analytics, classification has witnessed varieties of applications from different domains. Different from conventional classification approaches, fair classification concerns the issues of unintentional biases against the sensitive features (e.g., gender, race). Due to high nonconvexity of fairness measures, existing methods are often unable to model exact fairness, which can … Read more

Some Modified Fast Iteration Shrinkage Thresholding Algorithms with a New Adaptive Non-monotone Stepsize Strategy for Nonsmooth and Convex Minimization Problems

The ” fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm ” (FISTA) is one of the most famous first order optimization scheme, and the stepsize, which plays an important role in theoretical analysis and numerical experiment, is always determined by a constant related to the Lipschitz constant or by a backtracking strategy. In this paper, we design a new … Read more

Planar Maximum Coverage Location Problem with Partial Coverage, Continuous Spatial Demand, and Adjustable Quality of Service

We consider a generalization of the classical planar maximum coverage location problem (PMCLP) in which partial coverage is allowed, facilities have adjustable quality of service (QoS) or service range, and demand zones and service zone of each facility are represented by two-dimensional spatial objects such as rectangles, circles, polygons, etc. We denote this generalization by … Read more

Learning To Scale Mixed-Integer Programs

Many practical applications require the solution of numerically challenging linear programs (LPs) and mixed-integer programs (MIPs). Scaling is a widely used preconditioning technique that aims at reducing the error propagation of the involved linear systems, thereby improving the numerical behavior of the dual simplex algorithm and, consequently, LP-based branch-and-bound. A reliable scaling method often makes … Read more

Stochastic RWA and Lightpath Rerouting in WDM Networks

In a telecommunication network, Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) is the problem of finding lightpaths for incoming connection requests. When facing a dynamic traffic, greedy assignment of lightpaths to incoming requests based on predefined deterministic policies leads to a fragmented network that cannot make use of its full capacity due to stranded bandwidth. At this … Read more

A converging Benders’ decomposition algorithm for two-stage mixed-integer recourse models

We propose a new solution method for two-stage mixed-integer recourse models. In contrast to existing approaches, we can handle general mixed-integer variables in both stages, and thus, e.g., do not require that the first-stage variables are binary. Our solution method is a Benders’ decomposition, in which we iteratively construct tighter approximations of the expected second-stage … Read more

ADMM and inexact ALM: the QP case

Embedding randomization procedures in the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) has recently attracted an increasing amount of interest as a remedy to the fact that the direct n-block generalization of ADMM is not necessarily convergent ($n \geq 3$). Even if, in practice, the introduction of such techniques could mitigate the diverging behaviour of the … Read more