Constrained and Composite Optimization via Adaptive Sampling Methods

The motivation for this paper stems from the desire to develop an adaptive sampling method for solving constrained optimization problems in which the objective function is stochastic and the constraints are deterministic. The method proposed in this paper is a proximal gradient method that can also be applied to the composite optimization problem min f(x) … Read more

Conic Mixed-Binary Sets: Convex Hull Characterizations and Applications

We consider a general conic mixed-binary set where each homogeneous conic constraint involves an affine function of independent continuous variables and an epigraph variable associated with a nonnegative function, $f_j$, of common binary variables. Sets of this form naturally arise as substructures in a number of applications including mean-risk optimization, chance-constrained problems, portfolio optimization, lot-sizing … Read more

Supermodularity and valid inequalities for quadratic optimization with indicators

We study the minimization of a rank-one quadratic with indicators and show that the underlying set function obtained by projecting out the continuous variables is supermodular. Although supermodular minimization is, in general, difficult, the specific set function for the rank-one quadratic can be minimized in linear time. We show that the convex hull of the … Read more

Weak notions of nondegeneracy in nonlinear semidefinite programming

The constraint nondegeneracy condition is one of the most relevant and useful constraint qualifications in nonlinear semidefinite programming. It can be characterized in terms of any fixed orthonormal basis of the, let us say, $\ell$-dimensional kernel of the constraint matrix, by the linear independence of a set of $\ell(\ell+1)/2$ derivative vectors. We show that this … Read more

Fleet Sizing and Service Region Partitioning for Same-Day Delivery Systems

We study the linked tactical design problems of fleet sizing and partitioning a service region into vehicle routing zones for same-day delivery (SDD) systems. Existing SDD studies focus primarily on operational dispatch problems and do not consider system design questions. Prior work on SDD system design has not considered the fleet sizing decision when a … Read more

A new branch-and-filter exact algorithm for binary constraint satisfaction problems

A binary constraint satisfaction problem (BCSP) consist in determining an assignment of values to variables which is compatible with a set of constraints. The problem is called binary because the constraints involve only pairs of variables. The BCSP is a cornerstone problem in Constraint Programming (CP), appearing in a very wide range of real-world applications. … Read more

The Landscape of the Proximal Point Method for Nonconvex-Nonconcave Minimax Optimization

Minimax optimization has become a central tool for modern machine learning with applications in generative adversarial networks, robust optimization, reinforcement learning, etc. These applications are often nonconvex-nonconcave, but the existing theory is unable to identify and deal with the fundamental difficulties posed by nonconvex-nonconcave structures. In this paper, we study the classic proximal point method … Read more

Error bounds, facial residual functions and applications to the exponential cone

We construct a general framework for deriving error bounds for conic feasibility problems. In particular, our approach allows one to work with cones that fail to be amenable or even to have computable projections, two previously challenging barriers. For the purpose, we first show how error bounds may be constructed using objects called one-step facial … Read more

Secant acceleration of sequential residual methods for solving large-scale nonlinear systems of equations

Sequential Residual Methods try to solve nonlinear systems of equations $F(x)=0$ by iteratively updating the current approximate solution along a residual-related direction. Therefore, memory requirements are minimal and, consequently, these methods are attractive for solving large-scale nonlinear systems. However, the convergence of these algorithms may be slow in critical cases; therefore, acceleration procedures are welcome. … Read more

Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Linear Complementarity Systems

A Discrete-Time Linear Complementarity System (DLCS) is a dynamical system in discrete time whose state evolution is governed by linear dynamics in states and algebraic variables that solve a Linear Complementarity Problem (LCP). A DLCS is the hybrid dynamical system that is the discrete-time counterpart of the well-known Linear Complementarity System (LCS). We derive sufficient … Read more