Subsampled cubic regularization method for finite-sum minimization

This paper proposes and analyzes  a  subsampled Cubic Regularization Method  (CRM) for solving  finite-sum optimization problems.  The new method uses  random subsampling techniques  to approximate  the  functions, gradients and Hessians in order to reduce the overall computational cost of the CRM. Under suitable hypotheses,  first- and second-order  iteration-complexity bounds and global convergence analyses  are presented. … Read more

Insertion Heuristics for a Class of Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems

We consider a simple family of dynamic vehicle routing problems, in which we have a fixed fleet of identical vehicles, and customer requests arrive during the route-planning process. For this kind of problem, it is natural to use an insertion heuristic. We test several such heuristics computationally, on two different variants of the problem. It … Read more

A polyhedral study of multivariate decision trees

Decision trees are a widely used tool for interpretable machine learning. Multivariate decision trees employ hyperplanes at the branch nodes to route datapoints throughout the tree and yield more compact models than univariate trees. Recently, mixed-integer programming (MIP) has been applied to formulate the optimal decision tree problem. To strengthen MIP formulations, it is crucial … Read more

On Constrained Mixed-Integer DR-Submodular Minimization

DR-submodular functions encompass a broad class of functions which are generally non-convex and non-concave. We study the problem of minimizing any DR-submodular function, with continuous and general integer variables, under box constraints and possibly additional monotonicity constraints. We propose valid linear inequalities for the epigraph of any DR-submodular function under the constraints. We further provide … Read more

Assigning Orders to Couriers in Meal Delivery via Integer Programming

We investigate some optimization models for meal delivery that stem from a collaboration with an Italian company mainly operating in Rome. The focus of this company is on top-end customers, and the company pursues high Quality of Service through a careful management of delays. We then design optimization models and algorithms for dispatching orders to … Read more

General Polyhedral Approximation of Two-Stage Robust Linear Programming

We consider two-stage robust linear programs with uncertain righthand side. We develop a General Polyhedral Approximation (GPA), in which the uncertainty set $\mathcal{U}$ is substituted by a finite set of polytopes derived from the vertex set of an arbitrary polytope that dominates $\mathcal{U}$. The union of the polytopes need not contain $\mathcal{U}$. We analyse and … Read more

The Travelling Salesman Problem with positional consistency constraints: an application to healthcare services

In this paper we study the Consistent Traveling Salesman Problem with positional consistency constraints (CTSP), where we seek to generate a set of routes with minimum cost, in which all the clients that are visited in several routes require total positional consistency, that is, they need to appear in the same relative position in all … Read more

A Simple Algorithm for Online Decision Making

Motivated by recent progress on online linear programming (OLP), we study the online decision making problem (ODMP) as a natural generalization of OLP. In ODMP, there exists a single decision maker who makes a series of decisions spread out over a total of \(T\) time stages. At each time stage, the decision maker makes a … Read more

Recognition of Facets for Knapsack Polytope is DP-complete

DP  is a complexity class that is the class of all languages that are the intersection of a language in NP and a language in co-NP, as coined by Papadimitriou and Yannakakis. In this paper, we will establish that, recognizing a facet for the knapsack polytope is DP-complete, as conjectured by Hartvigsen and Zemel in … Read more

Joint MSE Constrained Hybrid Beamforming and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface

In this paper, the symbol detection mean squared error (MSE) constrained hybrid analog and digital beamforming is proposed in millimeter wave (mmWave) system, and the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is proposed to assist the mmWave system. The inner majorization-minimization (iMM) method is proposed to obtain analog transmitter, RIS and analog receivers, and the alternating direction … Read more