Connectivity via convexity: Bounds on the edge expansion in graphs

Convexification techniques have gained increasing interest over the past decades. In this work, we apply a recently developed convexification technique for fractional programs by He, Liu and Tawarmalani (2024) to the problem of determining the edge expansion of a graph. Computing the edge expansion of a graph is a well-known, difficult combinatorial problem that seeks … Read more

Efficient parameter-free restarted accelerated gradient methods for convex and strongly convex optimization

This paper develops a new parameter-free restarted method, namely RPF-SFISTA, and a new parameter-free aggressive regularization method, namely A-REG, for solving strongly convex and convex composite optimization problems, respectively. RPF-SFISTA has the major advantage that it requires no knowledge of both the strong convexity parameter of the entire composite objective and the Lipschitz constant of … Read more

Accessible Theoretical Complexity of the Restarted Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Method for Linear Programs with Unique Optima

The restarted primal-dual hybrid gradient method (rPDHG) has recently emerged as an important tool for solving large-scale linear programs (LPs). For LPs with unique optima, we present an iteration bound of \(\widetilde{O}\left(\kappa\Phi\cdot\ln\left(\frac{\|w^*\|}{\varepsilon}\right)\right)\), where \(\varepsilon\) is the target tolerance, \(\kappa\) is the standard matrix condition number, \(\|w^*\|\) is the norm of the optimal solution, and \(\Phi\) … Read more

A Dynamic Strategic Plan for the Transition to a Clean Bus Fleet using Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming with a Case Study in Istanbul

In recent years, the transition to clean bus fleets has accelerated. Although this transition might bring environmental and economic benefits, it requires a long-term strategic plan due to the large investment costs involved. This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic program to optimize strategic plans for the clean bus fleet transition that explicitly considers the uncertainty … Read more

Dual Spectral Projected Gradient Method for Generalized Log-det Semidefinite Programming

Log-det semidefinite programming (SDP) problems are optimization problems that often arise from Gaussian graphic models. A log-det SDP problem with an l1-norm term has been examined in many methods, and the dual spectral projected gradient (DSPG) method by Nakagaki et al.~in 2020 is designed to efficiently solve the dual problem of the log-det SDP by … Read more