MIP-Based Instantaneous Control of Mixed-Integer PDE-Constrained Gas Transport Problems

We study the transient optimization of gas transport networks including both discrete controls due to switching of controllable elements and nonlinear fluid dynamics described by the system of isothermal Euler equations, which are partial differential equations in time and 1-dimensional space. This combination leads to mixed-integer optimization problems subject to nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations … Read more

Optimization Techniques for Tree-Structured Nonlinear Problems

Robust model predictive control approaches and other applications lead to nonlinear optimization problems defined on (scenario) trees. We present structure-preserving Quasi-Newton update formulas as well as structured inertia correction techniques that allow to solve these problems by interior-point methods with specialized KKT solvers for tree-structured optimization problems. The same type of KKT solvers could be … Read more

Optimal Price Zones of Electricity Markets: A Mixed-Integer Multilevel Model and Global Solution Approaches

Mathematical modeling of market design issues in liberalized electricity markets often leads to mixed-integer nonlinear multilevel optimization problems for which no general-purpose solvers exist and which are intractable in general. In this work, we consider the problem of splitting a market area into a given number of price zones such that the resulting market design … Read more

Computing Feasible Points for Binary MINLPs with MPECs

Nonconvex mixed-binary nonlinear optimization problems frequently appear in practice and are typically extremely hard to solve. In this paper we discuss a class of primal heuristics that are based on a reformulation of the problem as a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints. We then use different regularization schemes for this class of problems and use … Read more

Towards Simulation Based Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations

We propose a decomposition based method for solving mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems with “black-box” nonlinearities, where the latter, e.g., may arise due to differential equations or expensive simulation runs. The method alternatingly solves a mixed-integer linear master problem and a separation problem for iteratively refining the mixed-integer linear relaxation of the nonlinearity. We prove that … Read more

Solving Highly Detailed Gas Transport MINLPs: Block Separability and Penalty Alternating Direction Methods

Detailed modeling of gas transport problems leads to nonlinear and nonconvex mixed-integer optimization or feasibility models (MINLPs) because both the incorporation of discrete controls of the network as well as accurate physical and technical modeling is required in order to achieve practical solutions. Hence, ignoring certain parts of the physics model is not valid for … Read more

Penalty Alternating Direction Methods for Mixed-Integer Optimization: A New View on Feasibility Pumps

Feasibility pumps are highly effective primal heuristics for mixed-integer linear and nonlinear optimization. However, despite their success in practice there are only few works considering their theoretical properties. We show that feasibility pumps can be seen as alternating direction methods applied to special reformulations of the original problem, inheriting the convergence theory of these methods. … Read more

A Distributed Interior-Point KKT Solver for Multistage Stochastic Optimization

Multistage stochastic optimization leads to NLPs over scenario trees that become extremely large when many time stages or fine discretizations of the probability space are required. Interior-point methods are well suited for these problems if the arising huge, structured KKT systems can be solved efficiently, for instance, with a large scenario tree but a moderate … Read more

GasLib – A Library of Gas Network Instances

The development of mathematical simulation and optimization models and algorithms for solving gas transport problems is an active field of research. In order to test and compare these models and algorithms, gas network instances together with demand data are needed. The goal of GasLib is to provide a set of publicly available gas network instances … Read more

Uniqueness of Market Equilibrium on a Network: A Peak-Load Pricing Approach

In this paper we establish conditions under which uniqueness of market equilibrium is obtained in a setup where prior to trading of electricity, transmission capacities between different market regions are fixed. In our setup, firms facing fluctuating demand decide on the size and location of production facilities. They make production decisions constrained by the invested … Read more