Bulk Ship Fleet Renewal and Deployment under Uncertainty: A Multi-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach

We study a maritime fleet renewal and deployment problem under demand and charter cost uncertainty. A decision-maker for an industrial bulk shipping company must determine a suitable fleet size, mix, and deployment strategy to satisfy stochastic demand over a given planning horizon. She may acquire vessels in two ways: time chartering and voyage chartering. Time … Read more

Application of the Laminar Navier-Stokes Equations for Solving 2D and 3D Pathfinding Problems with Static and Dynamic Spatial Constraints. Implementation and validation in Comsol Multiphysics.

Pathfinding problems consist in determining the optimal shortest path, or at least one path, between two points in the space. In this paper, we propose a particular approach, based on methods used in Computational Fluid Dynamics, that intends to solve such problems. In particular, we reformulate pathfinding problems as the motion of a viscous fluid … Read more

Network Design Problem with Relays

Relays are regenerators extending the reach of optical signals in telecommunication networks; they may be strategic locations where exchange of drivers, trucks or mode of transportation takes place in transportation networks; they may become refuelling/recharging stations extending the reach of alternative fuel vehicles in green transportation. With different names and characteristics, relays play a crucial … Read more

Partial outer convexification for traffic light optimization in road networks

We consider the problem of computing optimal traffic light programs for urban road intersections using traffic flow conservation laws on networks. Based on a Partial Outer Convexification approach, which has been successfully applied in the area of mixed-integer optimal control for systems of ordinary or differential algebraic equations, we develop a computationally tractable two-stage solution … Read more

Free-Floating Bike Sharing: Solving Real-life Large-scale Static Rebalancing Problems

Free-floating bike sharing (FFBS) is an innovative bike sharing model. FFBS saves on start-up cost, in comparison to station-based bike sharing (SBBS), by avoiding construction of expensive docking stations and kiosk machines. FFBS prevents bike theft and offers significant opportunities for smart management by tracking bikes in real-time with built-in GPS. However, like SBBS, the … Read more

A Cutting Plane Method for Risk-constrained Traveling Salesman Problem with Random Arc Costs

This paper considers the risk-constrained stochastic traveling salesman problem with random arc costs. In the context of stochastic arc costs, the deterministic traveling salesman problem’s optimal solutions would be ineffective because the selected route might be exposed to a greater risk where the actual cost can exceed the resource limit in extreme scenarios. We present … Read more

A Stochastic Programming Approach for Shelter Location and Evacuation Planning

Shelter location and traffic allocation decisions are critical for an efficient evacuation plan. In this study, we propose a scenario-based two-stage stochastic evacuation planning model that optimally locates shelter sites and that assigns evacuees to nearest shelters and to shortest paths within a tolerance degree to minimize the expected total evacuation time. Our model considers … Read more

Pickup and delivery problem with time windows: a new compact two-index formulation

We propose a formulation for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows, based on a novel modeling strategy that allows the assignment of vehicles to routes explicitly in two-index flow formulations. It leads to an effective compact formulation that can benefit OR practitioners interested in solving the problem by general-purpose optimization software. Computational experiments … Read more

Constructing a Small Compact Binary Model for the Travelling Salesman Problem

A variety of formulations for the Travelling Salesman Problem as Mixed Integer Program have been proposed. They contain either non-binary variables or the number of constraints and variables is large. We want to give a new formulation that consists solely of binary variables; the number of variables and the number of constraints are of order … Read more

A disjunctive convex programming approach to the pollution routing problem

The pollution routing problem (PRP) aims to determine a set of routes and speed over each leg of the routes simultaneously to minimize the total operational and environmental costs. A common approach to solve the PRP exactly is through speed discretization, i.e., assuming that speed over each arc is chosen from a prescribed set of … Read more