A generalized block-iterative projection method for the common fixed point problem induced by cutters

The block-iterative projections (BIP) method of Aharoni and Censor [Block-iterative projection methods for parallel computation of solutions to convex feasibility problems, Linear Algebra and its Applications 120, (1989), 165-175] is an iterative process for finding asymptotically a point in the nonempty intersection of a family of closed convex subsets. It employs orthogonal projections onto the … Read more

Convexity and continuity of specific set-valued maps and their extremal value functions

In this paper, we study several classes of set-valued maps, which can be used in set-valued optimization and its applications, and their respective maximum and minimum value functions. The definitions of these maps are based on scalar-valued, vector-valued, and cone-valued maps. Moreover, we consider those extremal value functions which are obtained when optimizing linear functionals … Read more

Convergence Results for Primal-Dual Algorithms in the Presence of Adjoint Mismatch

Most optimization problems arising in imaging science involve high-dimensional linear operators and their adjoints. In the implementations of these operators, approximations may be introduced for various practical considerations (e.g., memory limitation, computational cost, convergence speed), leading to an adjoint mismatch. This occurs for the X-ray tomographic inverse problems found in Computed Tomography (CT), where the … Read more

A family of accelerated inexact augmented Lagrangian methods with applications to image restoration

In this paper, we focus on a class of convex optimization problems subject to equality or inequality constraints and have developed an Accelerated Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Method (AI-ALM). Different relative error criteria are designed to solve the subproblem of AI-ALM inexactly, and the popular used relaxation step is exploited to accelerate the convergence. By a … Read more

A new sufficient condition for non-convex sparse recovery via weighted $\ell_r\!-\!\ell_1$ minimization

In this letter, we discuss the reconstruction of sparse signals from undersampled data, which belongs to the core content of compressed sensing. A new sufficient condition in terms of the restricted isometry constant (RIC) and restricted orthogonality constant (ROC) is first established for the performance guarantee of recently proposed non-convex weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ minimization in recovering … Read more

A Decomposition Algorithm for Two-Stage Stochastic Programs with Nonconvex Recourse

In this paper, we have studied a decomposition method for solving a class of nonconvex two-stage stochastic programs, where both the objective and constraints of the second-stage problem are nonlinearly parameterized by the first-stage variable. Due to the failure of the Clarke regularity of the resulting nonconvex recourse function, classical decomposition approaches such as Benders … Read more

The Null Space Property of the Weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ Minimization

The null space property (NSP), which relies merely on the null space of the sensing matrix column space, has drawn numerous interests in sparse signal recovery. This article studies NSP of the weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ minimization. Several versions of NSP of the weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ minimization including the weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ NSP, the weighted $\ell_r-\ell_1$ stable NSP, the … Read more

An Asynchronous Proximal Bundle Method

We develop a fully asynchronous proximal bundle method for solving non-smooth, convex optimization problems. The algorithm can be used as a drop-in replacement for classic bundle methods, i.e., the function must be given by a first-order oracle for computing function values and subgradients. The algorithm allows for an arbitrary number of master problem processes computing … Read more

Spectral Projected Subgradient Method for Nonsmooth Convex Optimization Problems

We consider constrained optimization problems with a nonsmooth objective function in the form of mathematical expectation. The Sample Average Approximation (SAA) is used to estimate the objective function and variable sample size strategy is employed. The proposed algorithm combines an SAA subgradient with the spectral coefficient in order to provide a suitable direction which improves … Read more

Convergence rates of the stochastic alternating algorithm for bi-objective optimization

Stochastic alternating algorithms for bi-objective optimization are considered when optimizing two conflicting functions for which optimization steps have to be applied separately for each function. Such algorithms consist of applying a certain number of steps of gradient or subgradient descent on each single objective at each iteration. In this paper, we show that stochastic alternating … Read more