Assortment Optimization under the Decision Forest Model

We study the problem of finding the optimal assortment that maximizes expected revenue under the decision forest model, a recently proposed nonparametric choice model that is capable of representing any discrete choice model and in particular, can be used to represent non-rational customer behavior. This problem is of practical importance because it allows a firm … Read more

Characterizing Linearizable QAPs by the Level-1 Reformulation-Linearization Technique

The quadratic assignment problem (QAP) is an extremely challenging NP-hard combinatorial optimization program. Due to its difficulty, a research emphasis has been to identify special cases that are polynomially solvable. Included within this emphasis are instances which are linearizable; that is, which can be rewritten as a linear assignment problem having the property that the … Read more

Marketing Mix Optimization with Practical Constraints

In this paper, we address a variant of the marketing mix optimization (MMO) problem which is commonly encountered in many industries, e.g., retail and consumer packaged goods (CPG) industries. This problem requires the spend for each marketing activity, if adjusted, be changed by a non-negligible degree (minimum change) and also the total number of activities … Read more

A Computational Study of Perspective Cuts

The benefits of cutting planes based on the perspective function are well known for many specific classes of mixed-integer nonlinear programs with on/off structures. However, we are not aware of any empirical studies that evaluate their applicability and computational impact over large, heterogeneous test sets in general-purpose solvers. This paper provides a detailed computational study … Read more

Lower Bounds on the Size of General Branch-and-Bound Trees

A \emph{general branch-and-bound tree} is a branch-and-bound tree which is allowed to use general disjunctions of the form $\pi^{\top} x \leq \pi_0 \,\vee\, \pi^{\top}x \geq \pi_0 + 1$, where $\pi$ is an integer vector and $\pi_0$ is an integer scalar, to create child nodes. We construct a packing instance, a set covering instance, and a … Read more

An Almost Exact Multi-Machine Scheduling Solution for Homogeneous Processing

In the context of job scheduling in parallel machines, we present a class of asymptotically exact binary programs for the minimization of the $\tau$-norm of completion time variances. Building on overlooked properties of the min completion time variance in a single machine and on an equivalent bilevel formulation, our approach provides an asymptotic approximation (with … Read more

Strong valid inequalities for a class of concave submodular minimization problems under cardinality constraints

We study the polyhedral convex hull structure of a mixed-integer set which arises in a class of cardinality-constrained concave submodular minimization problems. This class of problems has an objective function in the form of $f(a^\top x)$, where $f$ is a univariate concave function, $a$ is a non-negative vector, and $x$ is a binary vector of … Read more

Sequential Competitive Facility Location: Exact and Approximate Algorithms

We study a competitive facility location problem (CFLP), where two firms sequentially open new facilities within their budgets, in order to maximize their market shares of demand that follows a probabilistic choice model. This process is a Stackelberg game and admits a bilevel mixed-integer nonlinear program (MINLP) formulation. We derive an equivalent, single-level MINLP reformulation … Read more

Presolving Linear Bilevel Optimization Problems

Linear bilevel optimization problems are known to be strongly NP-hard and the computational techniques to solve these problems are often motivated by techniques from single-level mixed-integer optimization. Thus, during the last years and decades many branch-and-bound methods, cutting planes, or heuristics have been proposed. On the other hand, there is almost no literature on presolving … Read more

Shapes and recession cones in mixed-integer convex representability

Mixed-integer convex representable (MICP-R) sets are those sets that can be represented exactly through a mixed-integer convex programming formulation. Following up on recent work by Lubin et al. (2017, 2020) we investigate structural geometric properties of MICP-R sets, which strongly differentiate them from the class of mixed-integer linear representable sets (MILP-R). First, we provide an … Read more