A Strengthened SDP Relaxation for Quadratic Optimization Over the Stiefel Manifold

We study semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations for the NP-hard problem of globally optimizing a quadratic function over the Stiefel manifold. We introduce a strengthened relaxation based on two recent ideas in the literature: (i) a tailored SDP for objectives with a block-diagonal Hessian; (ii) and the use of the Kronecker matrix product to construct SDP relaxations. Using synthetic instances on … Read more

A copositive framework for analysis of hybrid Ising-classical algorithms

Recent years have seen significant advances in quantum/quantum-inspired technologies capable of approximately searching for the ground state of Ising spin Hamiltonians. The promise of leveraging such technologies to accelerate the solution of difficult optimization problems has spurred an increased interest in exploring methods to integrate Ising problems as part of their solution process, with existing … Read more

Automorphisms of rank-one generated hyperbolicity cones and their derivative relaxations

A hyperbolicity cone is said to be rank-one generated (ROG) if all its extreme rays have rank one, where the rank is computed with respect the underlying hyperbolic polynomial. This is a natural class of hyperbolicity cones which are strictly more general than the ROG spectrahedral cones. In this work, we present a study of … Read more

Certifying Global Optimality of AC-OPF Solutions via sparse polynomial optimization

We report the experimental results on certifying 1% global optimality of solutions of AC-OPF instances from PGLiB via the CS-TSSOS hierarchy — a moment-SOS based hierarchy that exploits both correlative and term sparsity, which can provide tighter SDP relaxations than Shor’s relaxation. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the CS-TSSOS hierarchy scales well with the problem … Read more

A Newton-CG based barrier method for finding a second-order stationary point of nonconvex conic optimization with complexity guarantees

In this paper we consider finding an approximate second-order stationary point (SOSP) of nonconvex conic optimization that minimizes a twice differentiable function over the intersection of an affine subspace and a convex cone. In particular, we propose a Newton-conjugate gradient (Newton-CG) based barrier method for finding an $(\epsilon,\sqrt{\epsilon})$-SOSP of this problem. Our method is not … Read more

A Quadratically Convergent Sequential Programming Method for Second-Order Cone Programs Capable of Warm Starts

We propose a new method for linear second-order cone programs. It is based on the sequential quadratic programming framework for nonlinear programming. In contrast to interior point methods, it can capitalize on the warm-start capabilities of active-set quadratic programming subproblem solvers and achieve a local quadratic rate of convergence. In order to overcome the non-differentiability … Read more

A Sparse Interior Point Method for Linear Programs arising in Discrete Optimal Transport

Discrete Optimal Transport problems give rise to very large linear programs (LP) with a particular structure of the constraint matrix. In this paper we present an interior point method (IPM) specialized for the LP originating from the Kantorovich Optimal Transport problem. Knowing that optimal solutions of such problems display a high degree of sparsity, we … Read more

Decision Rule Approaches for Pessimistic Bilevel Linear Programs under Moment Ambiguity with Facility Location Applications

We study a pessimistic stochastic bilevel program in the context of sequential two-player games, where the leader makes a binary here-and-now decision, and the follower responds a continuous wait-and-see decision after observing the leader’s action and revelation of uncertainty. Only the information of the mean, covariance, and support is known. We formulate the problem as … Read more

Lexicographic Branch-and-Bound Column Search

We present an exact generic method for solving the pricing problem in a column generation approach, which we call branch-and-bound column search. It searches the space of all feasible columns via a branch-and-bound tree search and returns all columns with a reduced-cost value below a certainthreshold. The approach is based on an idea from Krumke … Read more

Accelerated first-order methods for a class of semidefinite programs

This paper introduces a new storage-optimal first-order method (FOM), CertSDP, for solving a special class of semidefinite programs (SDPs) to high accuracy. The class of SDPs that we consider, the exact QMP-like SDPs , is characterized by low-rank solutions, a priori knowledge of the restriction of the SDP solution to a small subspace, and standard … Read more