Lov\'{a}sz-Schrijver SDP-operator, near-perfect graphs and near-bipartite graphs

We study the Lov\'{a}sz-Schrijver lift-and-project operator ($\LS_+$) based on the cone of symmetric, positive semidefinite matrices, applied to the fractional stable set polytope of graphs. The problem of obtaining a combinatorial characterization of graphs for which the $\LS_+$-operator generates the stable set polytope in one step has been open since 1990. We call these graphs … Read more

A trust-region method for box-constrained nonlinear semidefinite programs

We propose a trust-region method for nonlinear semidefinite programs with box-constraints. The penalty barrier method can handle this problem, but the size of variable matrices available in practical time is restricted to be less than 500. We develop a trust-region method based on the approach of Coleman and Li (1996) that utilizes the distance to … Read more

Linear conic optimization for inverse optimal control

We address the inverse problem of Lagrangian identification based on trajectories in the context of nonlinear optimal control. We propose a general formulation of the inverse problem based on occupation measures and complementarity in linear programming. The use of occupation measures in this context offers several advantages from the theoretical, numerical and statistical points of … Read more

Semi-definite relaxations for optimal control problems with oscillation and concentration effects

Converging hierarchies of finite-dimensional semi-definite relaxations have been proposed for state-constrained optimal control problems featuring oscillation phenomena, by relaxing controls as Young measures. These semi-definite relaxations were later on extended to optimal control problems depending linearly on the control input and typically featuring concentration phenomena, interpreting the control as a measure of time with a … Read more

Efficient First-Order Methods for Linear Programming and Semidefinite Programming

We present a simple transformation of any linear program or semidefinite program into an equivalent convex optimization problem whose only constraints are linear equations. The objective function is defined on the whole space, making virtually all subgradient methods be immediately applicable. We observe, moreover, that the objective function is naturally “smoothed,” thereby allowing most first-order … Read more

Semidefinite Optimization Approaches to Applications in Facility Layout and Logistics

The main contributions of this thesis are the comparison of existing and the design of new exact approaches based on linear, quadratic and semidefinite relaxations for row layout problems and several applications in logistic. In particular we demonstrate that our suggested semidefinite approach is the strongest exact method to date for most row layout problems. … Read more

On a new class of matrix support functionals with applications

A new class of matrix support functionals is presented which establish a connection between optimal value functions for quadratic optimization problems, the matrix-fractional function, the pseudo matrix-fractional function, and the nuclear norm. The support function is based on the graph of the product of a matrix with its transpose. Closed form expressions for the support … Read more

Linear conic optimization for nonlinear optimal control

Infinite-dimensional linear conic formulations are described for nonlinear optimal control problems. The primal linear problem consists of finding occupation measures supported on optimal relaxed controlled trajectories, whereas the dual linear problem consists of finding the largest lower bound on the value function of the optimal control problem. Various approximation results relating the original optimal control … Read more