Bounds on measures satisfying moment conditions

Given a semi algebraic set S of R^n we provide a numerical approximation procedure that yields upper and lower bounds on mu(S), for measures mu that satisfy some given moment conditions. The bounds are obtained as solutions of positive semidefinite programs that can be solved via standard software packages like the LMI MATLAB toolbox. Citation … Read more

Polynomiality of an inexact infeasible interior point algorithm for semidefinite programming

In this paper we present a primal-dual inexact infeasible interior-point algorithm for semidefinite programming problems (SDP). This algorithm allows the use of search directions that are calculated from the defining linear system with only moderate accuracy, and our analysis does not require feasibility to be maintained even if the initial iterate happened to be a … Read more

[PENNON – A Generalized Augmented Lagrangian Methodfor Semidefinite Programming

This article describes a generalization of the PBM method by Ben-Tal and Zibulevsky to convex semidefinite programming problems. The algorithm used is a generalized version of the Augmented Lagrangian method. We present details of this algorithm as implemented in a new code PENNON. The code can also solve second-order conic programming (SOCP) problems, as well … Read more

Semidefinite programming vs LP relaxations for polynomial programming

We consider the global minimization of a multivariate polynomial on a semi-algebraic set \Omega defined with polynomial inequalities. We then compare two hierarchies of relaxations, namely, LP-relaxations based on products of the original constraints, in the spirit of the RLT procedure of Sherali and Adams and recent SDP (semi definite programming) relaxations introduced by the … Read more

An explicit equivalent positive semidefinite program for nonlinear 0-1 programs

We consider the general nonlinear optimization problem in 0-1 variables and provide an explicit equivalent positive semidefinite program in $2^n-1$ variables. The optimal values of both problems are identical. From every optimal solution of the former one easily find an optimal solution of the latter and conversely, from every solution of the latter one may … Read more

User’s Guide for SeDuMi Interface 1.01

A user-friendly free Matlab package for defining Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) problems. It acts as an interface for the Self-Dual-Minimisation package SeDuMi developed by Jos F. Sturm. The functionalities of SeDuMi Interface are the following: (1) Declare an LMI problem. Five Matlab functions allow to define completely an LMI problem which can be characterised by … Read more

Products of positive forms, linear matrix inequalities, and Hilbert 17-th problem for ternary forms

A form p on R^n (homogeneous n-variate polynomial) is called positive semidefinite (psd) if it is nonnegative on R^n. In other words, the zero vector is a global minimizer of p in this case. The famous 17th conjecture of Hilbert (later proven by Artin) is that a form p is psd if and only if … Read more

A Cutting Plane Algorithm for Large Scale Semidefinite Relaxations

The recent spectral bundle method allows to compute, within reasonable time, approximate dual solutions of large scale semidefinite quadratic 0-1 programming relaxations. We show that it also generates a sequence of primal approximations that converge to a primal optimal solution. Separating with respect to these approximations gives rise to a cutting plane algorithm that converges … Read more

Solving a Class of Semidefinite Programs via Nonlinear Programming

In this paper, we introduce a transformation that converts a class of linear and nonlinear semidefinite programming (SDP) problems into nonlinear optimization problems. For those problems of interest, the transformation replaces matrix-valued constraints by vector-valued ones, hence reducing the number of constraints by an order of magnitude. The class of transformable problems includes instances of … Read more