Local Convergence Analysis of an Inexact Trust-Region Method for Nonsmooth Optimization

In [R. J. Baraldi and D. P. Kouri, Mathematical Programming, (2022), pp. 1–40], we introduced an inexact trust-region algorithm for minimizing the sum of a smooth nonconvex function and a nonsmooth convex function in Hilbert space—a class of problems that is ubiquitous in data science, learning, optimal control, and inverse problems. This algorithm has demonstrated … Read more

Efficient Proximal Subproblem Solvers for a Nonsmooth Trust-Region Method

In [R. J. Baraldi and D. P. Kouri, Mathematical Programming, (2022), pp. 1-40], we introduced an inexact trust-region algorithm for minimizing the sum of a smooth nonconvex and nonsmooth convex function. The principle expense of this method is in computing a trial iterate that satisfies the so-called fraction of Cauchy decrease condition—a bound that ensures … Read more

Budget-Constrained Maximization of “Cobb-Douglas with Linear Components” Utility Function

In what follows, we provide the demand analysis associated with budget-constrained linear utility maximization for each of several categories of goods, with the marginal rate of consumption expenditure-as a share of wealth- being a positive constant less than or equal to one. The marginal rate of consumption expenditure is endogenously determined, by a budget-constrained “Cobb-Douglas … Read more

The limitation of neural nets for approximation and optimization

We are interested in assessing the use of neural networks as surrogate models to approximate and minimize objective functions in optimization problems. While neural networks are widely used for machine learning tasks such as classification and regression, their application in solving optimization problems has been limited. Our study begins by determining the best activation function … Read more

A Single-Loop Algorithm for Decentralized Bilevel Optimization

Bilevel optimization has gained significant attention in recent years due to its broad applications in machine learning. This paper focuses on bilevel optimization in decentralized networks and proposes a novel single-loop algorithm for solving decentralized bilevel optimization with a strongly convex lower-level problem. Our approach is a fully single-loop method that approximates the hypergradient using … Read more

Relaxation strength for multilinear optimization: McCormick strikes back

We consider linear relaxations for multilinear optimization problems. In a recent paper, Khajavirad proved that the extended flower relaxation is at least as strong as the relaxation of any recursive McCormick linearization (Operations Research Letters 51 (2023) 146-152). In this paper we extend the result to more general linearizations, and present a simpler proof. Moreover, … Read more

Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian algorithms with scaled stopping criterion for the subproblems

At each iteration of the Safeguarded Augmented Lagrangian algorithm Algencan, a bound-constrained subproblem consisting of the minimization of the Powell-Hestenes-Rockafellar augmented Lagrangian function is considered, for which a minimizer with tolerance tending to zero is sought. More precisely, a point that satisfies a subproblem first-order necessary optimality condition with tolerance tending to zero is required. … Read more

Fixed point continuation algorithm with extrapolation for Schatten p-quasi-norm regularized matrix optimization problems

In this paper, we consider a general low-rank matrix optimization problem which is modeled by a general Schatten p-quasi-norm (${\rm 0<p<1}$) regularized matrix optimization. For this nonconvex nonsmooth and non-Lipschitz matrix optimization problem, based on the matrix p-thresholding operator, we first propose a fixed point continuation algorithm with extrapolation (FPCAe) for solving it. Secondly, we … Read more

An optimally fast objective-function-free minimization algorithm using random subspaces

Article Download View An optimally fast objective-function-free minimization algorithm using random subspaces

DC programming approach for solving a class of bilevel partial facility interdiction problems

We propose a new approach based DC programming for fnding a solution of the partial facility interdiction problem that belongs to the class of bilevel programming. This model was frst considered in the work of Aksen et al. [1] with a heuristic algorithm named multi-start simplex search (MSS). However, because of the big number of … Read more