A note on solving nonlinear optimization problems in variable precision

This short note considers an efficient variant of the trust-region algorithm with dynamic accuracy proposed Carter (1993) and Conn, Gould and Toint (2000) as a tool for very high-performance computing, an area where it is critical to allow multi-precision computations for keeping the energy dissipation under control. Numerical experiments are presented indicating that the use … Read more

Convergence of Finite-Dimensional Approximations for Mixed-Integer Optimization with Differential Equations

We consider a direct approach to solve mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problems with constraints depending on initial and terminal conditions of an ordinary differential equation. In order to obtain a finite-dimensional problem, the dynamics are approximated using discretization methods. In the framework of general one-step methods, we provide sufficient conditions for the convergence of this approach … Read more

Stochastic Hydro-thermal Unit Commitment via Multi-level Scenario Trees and Bundle Regularization

For an electric power mix subject to uncertainty, the stochastic unit-commitment problem finds short-term optimal generation schedules that satisfy several system-wide constraints. In regulated electricity markets, this very practical and important problem is used by the system operator to decide when each unit is to be started or stopped, and to define how to generate … Read more

An almost cyclic 2-coordinate descent method for singly linearly constrained problems

A block decomposition method is proposed for minimizing a (possibly non-convex) continuously differentiable function subject to one linear equality constraint and simple bounds on the variables. The proposed method iteratively selects a pair of coordinates according to an almost cyclic strategy that does not use first-order information, allowing us not to compute the whole gradient … Read more

The Impact of Potential-Based Physics Models on Pricing in Energy Networks

Pricing of access to energy networks is an important issue in liberalized energy sectors because of the natural monopoly character of the underlying transport infrastructures. We introduce a general pricing framework for potential-based energy flows in arbitrarily structured transport networks. In different specifications of our general pricing model we discuss first- and second-best pricing results … Read more

Basis Pursuit Denoise with Nonsmooth Constraints

Level-set optimization formulations with data-driven constraints minimize a regularization functional subject to matching observations to a given error level. These formulations are widely used, particularly for matrix completion and sparsity promotion in data interpolation and denoising. The misfit level is typically measured in the l2 norm, or other smooth metrics. In this paper, we present … Read more

A Doubly Accelerated Inexact Proximal Point Method for Nonconvex Composite Optimization Problems

This paper describes and establishes the iteration-complexity of a doubly accelerated inexact proximal point (D-AIPP) method for solving the nonconvex composite minimization problem whose objective function is of the form f+h where f is a (possibly nonconvex) differentiable function whose gradient is Lipschitz continuous and h is a closed convex function with bounded domain. D-AIPP … Read more

Scoring positive semidefinite cutting planes for quadratic optimization via trained neural networks

Semidefinite programming relaxations complement polyhedral relaxations for quadratic optimization, but global optimization solvers built on polyhedral relaxations cannot fully exploit this advantage. This paper develops linear outer-approximations of semidefinite constraints that can be effectively integrated into global solvers. The difference from previous work is that our proposed cuts are (i) sparser with respect to the … Read more

A New Sequential Optimality Condition for Constrained Nonsmooth Optimization

We introduce a sequential optimality condition for locally Lipschitz constrained nonsmooth optimization, verifiable just using derivative information, and which holds even in the absence of any constraint qualification. The proposed sequential optimality condition is not only novel for nonsmooth problems, but brings new insights for the smooth case as well. We present a practical algorithm … Read more

Over-Parameterized Deep Neural Networks Have No Strict Local Minima For Any Continuous Activations

In this paper, we study the loss surface of the over-parameterized fully connected deep neural networks. We prove that for any continuous activation functions, the loss function has no bad strict local minimum, both in the regular sense and in the sense of sets. This result holds for any convex and differentiable loss function, and … Read more