Compact linearization for bilinear mixed-integer problems

We present a compact linearization for a broad class of bilinear 0-1 mixed-integer problems subject to assignment constraints. We apply the linearization to three classes of problems: quadratic assignment, multiprocessor scheduling with communication delays, and graph partitioning, and show that it yields faster solution times. Citation DEI, Politecnico di Milano, Working paper, April 2005. Article … Read more

Sensitivity analysis in convex quadratic optimization: simultaneous perturbation of the objective and right-hand-side vectors

In this paper we study the behavior of Convex Quadratic Optimization problems when variation occurs simultaneously in the right-hand side vector of the constraints and in the coefficient vector of the linear term in the objective function. It is proven that the optimal value function is piecewise-quadratic. The concepts of transition point and invariancy interval … Read more

Computational experience with an interior point algorithm for large scale contact problems

In this paper we present an interior point method for large scale Signorini elastic contact problems. We study the case of an elastic body in frictionless contact with a rigid foundation. Primal and primal-dual algorithms are developed to solve the quadratic optimization problem arising in the variational formulation. Our computational study confirms the efficiency of … Read more

A New Conjugate Gradient Algorithm Incorporating Adaptive Ellipsoid Preconditioning

The conjugate gradient (CG) algorithm is well-known to have excellent theoretical properties for solving linear systems of equations $Ax = b$ where the $n\times n$ matrix $A$ is symmetric positive definite. However, for extremely ill-conditioned matrices the CG algorithm performs poorly in practice. In this paper, we discuss an adaptive preconditioning procedure which improves the … Read more

Newton-KKT Interior-Point Methods for Indefinite Quadratic Programming

Two interior-point algorithms are proposed and analyzed, for the (local) solution of (possibly) indefinite quadratic programming problems. They are of the Newton-KKT variety in that (much like in the case of primal-dual algorithms for linear programming) search directions for the `primal´ variables and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) multiplier estimates are components of the Newton (or quasi-Newton) … Read more


In sensitivity analysis one wants to know how the problem and the optimal solutions change under the variation of the input data. We consider the case when variation happens in the right hand side of the constraints and/or in the linear term of the objective function. We are interested to find the range of the … Read more

Recovering Risk-Neutral Probability Density Functions from Options Prices using Cubic Splines

We present a new approach to estimate the risk-neutral probability density function (pdf) of the future prices of an underlying asset from the prices of options written on the asset. The estimation is carried out in the space of cubic spline functions, yielding appropriate smoothness. The resulting optimization problem, used to invert the data and … Read more

Constrained optimization in seismic reflection tomography: an SQP augmented Lagrangian approach

Seismic reflection tomography is a method for determining a subsurface velocity model from the traveltimes of seismic waves reflecting on geological interfaces. From an optimization viewpoint, the problem consists in minimizing a nonlinear least-squares function measuring the mismatch between observed traveltimes and those calculated by ray tracing in this model. The introduction of a priori … Read more

An Iterative Solver-Based Infeasible Primal-Dual Path-Following Algorithm for Convex QP

In this paper we develop an interior-point primal-dual long-step path-following algorithm for convex quadratic programming (CQP) whose search directions are computed by means of an iterative (linear system) solver. We propose a new linear system, which we refer to as the \emph{augmented normal equation} (ANE), to determine the primal-dual search directions. Since the condition number … Read more

Global linear convergence of an augmented Lagrangian algorithm for solving convex quadratic optimization problems

We consider an augmented Lagrangian algorithm for minimizing a convex quadratic function subject to linear inequality constraints. Linear optimization is an important particular instance of this problem. We show that, provided the augmentation parameter is large enough, the constraint value converges {\em globally\/} linearly to zero. This property is viewed as a consequence of the … Read more