The Standard Pessimistic Bilevel Problem

Pessimistic bilevel optimization problems, as optimistic ones, possess a structure involving three interrelated optimization problems. Moreover, their finite infima are only attained under strong conditions. We address these difficulties within a framework of moderate assumptions and a perturbation approach which allow us to approximate such finite infima arbitrarily well by minimal values of a sequence … Read more

Convergence rates for an inertial algorithm of gradient type associated to a smooth nonconvex minimization

We investigate an inertial algorithm of gradient type in connection with the minimization of a nonconvex differentiable function. The algorithm is formulated in the spirit of Nesterov’s accelerated convex gradient method. We show that the generated sequences converge to a critical point of the objective function, if a regularization of the objective function satis es the … Read more

Bi-objective Simulation Optimization on Integer Lattices using the Epsilon-Constraint Method in a Retrospective Approximation Framework

We consider multi-objective simulation optimization (MOSO) problems on integer lattices, that is, nonlinear optimization problems in which multiple simultaneous objective functions can only be observed with stochastic error, e.g., as output from a Monte Carlo simulation model. The solution to a MOSO problem is the efficient set, which is the set of all feasible decision … Read more

Optimal switching sequence for switched linear systems

We study the following optimization problem over a dynamical system that consists of several linear subsystems: Given a finite set of n-by-n matrices and an n-dimensional vector, find a sequence of K matrices, each chosen from the given set of matrices, to maximize a convex function over the product of the K matrices and the … Read more

Acyclic Mechanism Design for Freight Consolidation

Freight consolidation is a logistics practice that improves the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of transportation operations, and also reduces energy consumption and carbon footprint. A “fair” shipping cost sharing scheme is indispensable to help establish and sustain the cooperation of a group of suppliers in freight consolidation. In this paper, we design a truthful acyclic mechanism … Read more

MSEA.jl: A Multi-Stage Exact Algorithm for Bi-objective Pure Integer Linear Programming in Julia

We present a new exact method for bi-objective pure integer linear programming, the so-called Multi-Stage Exact Algorithm (MSEA). The method combines several existing exact and approximate algorithms in the literature to compute the entire nondominated frontier of any bi-objective pure integer linear program. Each algorithm available in MSEA has multiple versions in the literature. Hence, … Read more

Monitoring With Limited Information

We consider a system with an evolving state that can be stopped at any time by a decision maker (DM), yielding a state-dependent reward. The DM does not observe the state except for a limited number of monitoring times, which he must choose, in conjunction with a suitable stopping policy, to maximize his reward. Dealing … Read more

Dynamic Risked Equilibrium

We revisit the correspondence of competitive partial equilibrium with a social optimum in markets where risk-averse agents solve multistage stochastic optimization problems formulated in scenario trees. The agents trade a commodity that is produced from an uncertain supply of resources which can be stored. The agents can also trade risk using Arrow-Debreu securities. In this … Read more

Exact converging bounds for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming via Fenchel duality

The Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP) algorithm has become one of the main tools to address convex multistage stochastic optimal control problem. Recently a large amount of work has been devoted to improve the convergence speed of the algorithm through cut-selection and regularization, or to extend the field of applications to non-linear, integer or risk-averse … Read more

An algorithm for solving infinite horizon Markov dynamic programmes

We consider a general class of infinite horizon dynamic programmes where state and control sets are convex and compact subsets of Euclidean spaces and (convex) costs are discounted geometrically. The aim of this work is to provide a convergence result for these problems under as few restrictions as possible. Under certain assumptions on the cost … Read more