Beam Search for integer multi-objective optimization

Beam search is a tree search procedure where, at each level of the tree, at most W nodes are kept. This results in a metaheuristic whose solving time is polynomial in W. Popular for single-objective problems, beam search has only received little attention in the context of multi-objective optimization. By introducing the concepts of oracle … Read more

An exact solution method for binary equilibrium problems with compensation and the power market uplift problem

We propose a novel method to fi nd Nash equilibria in games with binary decision variables by including compensation payments and incentive-compatibility constraints from non-cooperative game theory directly into an optimization framework in lieu of using first order conditions of a linearization, or relaxation of integrality conditions. The reformulation off ers a new approach to obtain and … Read more

A forward-backward-forward differential equation and its asymptotic properties

In this paper, we approach the problem of finding the zeros of the sum of a maximally monotone operator and a monotone and Lipschitz continuous one in a real Hilbert space via an implicit forward-backward-forward dynamical system with nonconstant relaxation parameters and stepsizes of the resolvents. Besides proving existence and uniqueness of strong global solutions … Read more

The cone condition and nonsmoothness in linear generalized Nash games

We consider linear generalized Nash games and introduce the so-called cone condition which characterizes the smoothness of the Nikaido-Isoda function under weak assumptions. The latter mapping arises from a reformulation of the generalized Nash equilibrium problem as a possibly nonsmooth optimization problem. Other regularity conditions like LICQ or SMFC(Q) are only sufficient for smoothness, but … Read more

The One-Dimensional Dynamic Dispatch Waves Problem

We study same-day delivery (SDD) distribution systems by formulating the Dynamic Dispatch Wave Problem (DDWP), which models a depot where delivery requests arrive dynamically throughout a service day. At any dispatch epoch (wave), the information available to the decision maker is (1) a set of known, open requests which remain unfulfilled, and (2) a set … Read more

Robust optimization based EV charging

With the introduction of new technologies like electric vehicles and smart grids the operation and planning of power systems are subject to major changes. These technologies can bring various ftexibilities to different entities involved in decision making. This paper proposes a robust optimization based method to optimal charging/discharging of electric vehicles con­ sidering the electricity … Read more

Polynomial Root Radius Optimization with Affine Constraints

The root radius of a polynomial is the maximum of the moduli of its roots (zeros). We consider the following optimization problem: minimize the root radius over monic polynomials of degree $n$, with either real or complex coefficients, subject to $k$ consistent affine constraints on the coefficients. We show that there always exists an optimal … Read more

Asymptotic optimality of Tailored Base-Surge policies in dual-sourcing inventory systems

Dual-sourcing inventory systems, in which one supplier is faster (i.e. express) and more costly, while the other is slower (i.e. regular) and cheaper, arise naturally in many real-world supply chains. These systems are notoriously difficult to optimize due to the complex structure of the optimal solution and the curse of dimensionality, having resisted solution for … Read more

An external penalty-type method for multicriteria

We propose an extension of the classical real-valued external penalty method to the multicriteria optimization setting. As its single objective counterpart, it also requires an external penalty function for the constraint set, as well as an exogenous divergent sequence of nonnegative real numbers, the so-called penalty parameters, but, differently from the scalar procedure, the vector-valued … Read more

A Parallel Evolution Strategy for an Earth Imaging Problem in Geophysics

In this paper we propose a new way to compute a warm starting point for a challenging global optimization problem related to Earth imaging in geophysics. The warm start consists of a velocity model that approximately solves a full-waveform inverse problem at low frequency. Our motivation arises from the availability of massively parallel computing platforms … Read more