Local Search for Hop-constrained Directed Steiner Tree Problem with Application to UAV-based Multi-target Surveillance

We consider the directed Steiner tree problem (DSTP) with a constraint on the total number of arcs (hops) in the tree. This problem is known to be NP-hard, and therefore, only heuristics can be applied in the case of its large-scale instances. For the hop-constrained DSTP, we propose local search strategies aimed at improving any … Read more

E. Lieb convexity inequalities and noncommutative Bernstein inequality in Jordan-algebraic setting

We describe a Jordan-algebraic version of E. Lieb convexity inequalities. A joint convexity of Jordan-algebraic version of quantum entropy is proven. SA spectral theory on semi-simple complex Jordan algebras is used as atool to prove the convexity results. Possible applications to optimization and statistics are indicated CitationPreprint, University of Notre Dame, August 2014ArticleDownload View PDF

A proximal point algorithm for DC functions on Hadamard manifolds

An extension of a proximal point algorithm for difference of two convex functions is presented in the context of Riemannian manifolds of nonposite sectional curvature. If the sequence generated by our algorithm is bounded it is proved that every cluster point is a critical point of the function (not necessarily convex) under consideration, even if … Read more

Global Optimization via Slack Variables

This paper presents a method for finding global optima to constrained nonlinear programs via slack variables. The method only applies if all functions involved are of class C1 but without any further qualification on the types of constraints allowed; it proceeds by reformulating the given program into a bi-objective program that is then solved for … Read more

Cut Generation for Optimization Problems with Multivariate Risk Constraints

We consider a class of multicriteria stochastic optimization problems that features benchmarking constraints based on conditional value-at-risk and second-order stochastic dominance. We develop alternative mixed-integer programming formulations and solution methods for cut generation problems arising in optimization under such multivariate risk constraints. We give the complete linear description of two non-convex substructures appearing in these … Read more

Projection methods in quantum information science

We consider the problem of constructing quantum operations or channels, if they exist, that transform a given set of quantum states $\{\rho_1, \dots, \rho_k\}$ to another such set $\{\hat\rho_1, \dots, \hat\rho_k\}$. In other words, we must find a {\em completely positive linear map}, if it exists, that maps a given set of density matrices to … Read more

Branch-and-bound for bi-objective integer programming

In Pareto bi-objective integer optimization the optimal result corresponds to a set of non- dominated solutions. We propose a generic bi-objective branch-and-bound algorithm that uses a problem-independent branching rule exploiting available integer solutions, and cutting plane generation taking advantage of integer objective values. The developed algorithm is applied to the bi-objective team orienteering problem with … Read more

Justification of Constrained Game Equilibrium Models

We consider an extension of a noncooperative game where players have joint binding constraints. In this model, the constrained equilibrium can not be implemented within the same noncooperative framework and requires some other additional regulation procedures. We consider several approaches to resolution of this problem. In particular, a share allocation method is presented and substantiated. … Read more

On Global Optimization

This paper presents a relatively “unfettered” method for finding global optima to constrained nonlinear programs. The method reformulates the given program into a bi-objective mixed-integer program that is then solved for the Nash equilibrium. A numerical example (whose solution provides a new benchmark against which other algorithms may be assessed) is included to illustrate the … Read more

On the shortest path game

In this work we address a game theoretic variant of the shortest path problem, in which two decision makers (agents/players) move together along the edges of a graph from a given starting vertex to a given destination. The two players take turns in deciding in each vertex which edge to traverse next. The decider in … Read more