The Noncooperative Fixed Charge Transportation Problem

We introduce the noncooperative fixed charge transportation problem (NFCTP), which is a game-theoretic extension of the fixed charge transportation problem. In the NFCTP, competing players solve coupled fixed charge transportation problems simultaneously. Three versions of the NFCTP are discussed and compared, which differ in their treatment of shared social costs. This may be used from … Read more

First-Order Algorithms Converge Faster than (1/k)$ on Convex Problems

It is well known that both gradient descent and stochastic coordinate descent achieve a global convergence rate of $O(1/k)$ in the objective value, when applied to a scheme for minimizing a Lipschitz-continuously differentiable, unconstrained convex function. In this work, we improve this rate to $o(1/k)$. We extend the result to proximal gradient and proximal coordinate … Read more

Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Mixed Integer Programming

Large Neighborhood Search (LNS) heuristics are among the most powerful but also most expensive heuristics for mixed integer programs (MIP). Ideally, a solver learns adaptively which LNS heuristics work best for the MIP problem at hand in order to concentrate its limited computational budget. To this end, this work introduces Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) … Read more

A stochastic approximation method for approximating the efficient frontier of chance-constrained nonlinear programs

We propose a stochastic approximation method for approximating the efficient frontier of chance-constrained nonlinear programs. Our approach is based on a bi-objective viewpoint of chance-constrained programs that seeks solutions on the efficient frontier of optimal objective value versus risk of constraint violation. To this end, we construct a reformulated problem whose objective is to minimize … Read more

Generating irreducible copositive matrices using the stable set problem

In this paper it is considered how graphs can be used to generate copositive matrices, and necessary and sufficient conditions are given for these generated matrices to then be irreducible with respect to the set of positive semidefinite plus nonnegative matrices. This is done through combining the well known copositive formulation of the stable set … Read more

An efficient adaptive accelerated inexact proximal point method for solving linearly constrained nonconvex composite problems

This paper proposes an efficient adaptive variant of a quadratic penalty accelerated inexact proximal point (QP-AIPP) method proposed earlier by the authors. Both the QP-AIPP method and its variant solve linearly constrained nonconvex composite optimization problems using a quadratic penalty approach where the generated penalized subproblems are solved by a variant of the underlying AIPP … Read more

A faster FPTAS for counting two-rowed contingency tables

In this paper we provide a deterministic fully polynomial time approximation scheme (FPTAS) for counting two-rowed contingency tables that is faster than any either deterministic or randomized approximation scheme for this problem known to date. Our FPTAS is derived via a somewhat sophisticated usage of the method of K-approximation sets and functions introduced by Halman … Read more

A generalization of linearized alternating direction method of multipliers for solving two-block separable convex programming

The linearized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), with indefinite proximal regularization, has been proved to be efficient for solving separable convex optimization subject to linear constraints. In this paper, we present a generalization of linearized ADMM (G-LADMM) to solve two-block separable convex minimization model, which linearizes all the subproblems by choosing a proper positive-definite … Read more

Weighted Thresholding Homotopy Method for Sparsity Constrained Optimization

Weighted or reweighted strategies have not been considered for sparsity constrained optimization. In this paper, we reformulate the sparsity constraint as an equivalent weighted l1-norm constraint in the sparsity constrained optimization problem. To solve the reformulated problem, we investigate the problem in the Lagrange dual framework, and prove that the strong duality property holds. Then … Read more

Large-scale Influence Maximization via Maximal Covering Location

Influence maximization aims at identifying a limited set of key individuals in a (social) network which spreads information based on some propagation model and maximizes the number of individuals reached. We show that influence maximization based on the probabilistic independent cascade model can be modeled as a stochastic maximal covering location problem. A reformulation based … Read more