Completely positive semidefinite rank

An $n\times n$ matrix $X$ is called completely positive semidefinite (cpsd) if there exist $d\times d$ Hermitian positive semidefinite {matrices} $\{P_i\}_{i=1}^n$ (for some $d\ge 1$) such that $X_{ij}= {\rm Tr}(P_iP_j),$ for all $i,j \in \{ 1, \ldots, n \}$. The cpsd-rank of a cpsd matrix is the smallest $d\ge 1$ for which such a representation … Read more

Resource-constrained scheduling with non-constant capacity and non-regular activities

This work is inspired by very challenging issues arising in space logistics. The problem of scheduling a number of activities, in a given time elapse, optimizing the resource exploitation is discussed. The available resources are not constant, as well as the request, relative to each job. The mathematical aspects are illustrated, providing a time-indexed MILP … Read more

Integrating cut-and-solve and semi-Lagrangean based dual ascent for the single-source capacitated facility location problem

This paper describes how the cut-and-solve framework and semi-Lagrangean based dual ascent algorithms can be integrated in two natural ways in order to solve the single source capacitated facility location problem. The first uses the cut-and-solve framework both as a heuristic and as an exact solver for the semi-Lagrangean subproblems. The other uses a semi-Lagrangean … Read more

An optimal first order method based on optimal quadratic averaging

In a recent paper, Bubeck, Lee, and Singh introduced a new first order method for minimizing smooth strongly convex functions. Their geometric descent algorithm, largely inspired by the ellipsoid method, enjoys the optimal linear rate of convergence. Motivated by their work, we propose a close variant that iteratively maintains a quadratic global under-estimator of the … Read more

A stochastic program with tractable time series and affine decision rules for the reservoir management problem

This paper proposes a multi-stage stochastic programming formulation for the reservoir management problem. Our problem specifically consists in minimizing the risk of floods over a fixed time horizon for a multi-dimensional hydro-electrical complex. We consider well-studied linear time series model and enhance the approach to consider heteroscedasticity. Using these stochastic processes under very general distributional … Read more

The Traveling Salesman Problem on Grids with Forbidden Neighborhoods

We introduce the Traveling Salesman Problem with forbidden neighborhoods (TSPFN). This is an extension of the Euclidean TSP in the plane where direct connections between points that are too close are forbidden. The TSPFN is motivated by an application in laser beam melting. In the production of a workpiece in several layers using this method … Read more

Pessimistic bilevel linear optimization

In this paper, we investigate the pessimistic bilevel linear optimization problem (PBLOP). Based on the lower level optimal value function and duality, the PBLOP can be transformed to a single-level while nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problem. By use of linear optimization duality, we obtain a tractable and equivalent transformation and propose algorithms for computing global … Read more

Multistage Robust Unit Commitment with Dynamic Uncertainty Sets and Energy Storage

The deep penetration of wind and solar power is a critical component of the future power grid. However, the intermittency and stochasticity of these renewable resources bring significant challenges to the reliable and economic operation of power systems. Motivated by these challenges, we present a multistage adaptive robust optimization model for the unit commitment (UC) … Read more

On the Grassmann condition number

We give new insight into the Grassmann condition of the conic feasibility problem \[ x \in L \cap K \setminus\{0\}. \] Here $K\subseteq V$ is a regular convex cone and $L\subseteq V$ is a linear subspace of the finite dimensional Euclidean vector space $V$. The Grassmann condition of this problem is the reciprocal of the … Read more

Analysis of transformations of linear random-effects models

Assume that a linear random-effects model (LRM) $\by = \bX \bbe + \bve = \bX\bbe+ \bve$ with $\bbe = \bA \bal + \bga$ is transformed as $\bT\by = \bT\bX\bbe + \bT\bve = \bT\bX\bA \bal + \bT\bX\bga + \bT\bve$ by pre-multiplying a given matrix $\bT$. Estimations/predictions of the unknown parameters under the two models are not … Read more