On solving the Cross-dock Door Assignment Problem, CDAP

\(\) A class of strong lower bounds on the solution value of a Linearized Integer Programming (LIP) reformulation is introduced for the binary quadratic optimization model to assign origin and destination nodes to strip and stack doors, resp., in a cross-dock infrastructure, whose goal is to minimize the transportation cost of the commodities to be … Read more

Computational complexity of decomposing a symmetric matrix as a sum of positive semidefinite and diagonal matrices

We study several variants of decomposing a symmetric matrix into a sum of a low-rank positive semidefinite matrix and a diagonal matrix. Such decompositions have applications in factor analysis and they have been studied for many decades. On the one hand, we prove that when the rank of the positive semidefinite matrix in the decomposition … Read more

Dynamic Rebalancing Optimization for Bike-sharing Systems: A Modeling Framework and Empirical Comparison

Bike-sharing systems have been implemented in multiple major cities, offering a low-cost and environmentally friendly transportation alternative to vehicles. Due to the stochastic nature of customer trips, stations are often unbalanced, resulting in unsatisfied demand. As a remedy, operators employ trucks to rebalance bikes among unbalanced stations. Given the complexity of the dynamic rebalancing planning, … Read more

A Double-oracle, Logic-based Benders decomposition approach to solve the K-adaptability problem

We propose a novel approach to solve K-adaptability problems with convex objective and constraints and integer first-stage decisions. A logic-based Benders decomposition is applied to handle the first-stage decisions in a master problem, thus the sub-problem becomes a min-max-min robust combinatorial optimization problem that is solved via a double-oracle algorithm that iteratively generates adverse scenarios … Read more

COIL: A Deep Architecture for Column Generation

Column generation is a popular method to solve large-scale linear programs with an exponential number of variables. Several important applications, such as the vehicle routing problem, rely on this technique in order to be solved. However, in practice, column generation methods suffer from slow convergence (i.e. they require too many iterations). Stabilization techniques, which carefully … Read more

Generalized polarity and weakest constraint qualifications in multiobjective optimization

In G. Haeser, A. Ramos, Constraint Qualifications for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions in Multiobjective Optimization, JOTA, Vol.~187 (2020), 469-487, a generalization of the normal cone from single objective to multiobjective optimization is introduced, along with a weakest constraint qualification such that any local weak Pareto optimal point is a weak Kuhn-Tucker point. We extend this approach to … Read more

A note on quadratic constraints with indicator variables: Convex hull description and perspective relaxation

In this paper, we study the mixed-integer nonlinear set given by a separable quadratic constraint on continuous variables, where each continuous variable is controlled by an additional indicator. This set occurs pervasively in optimization problems with uncertainty and in machine learning. We show that optimization over this set is NP-hard. Despite this negative result, we … Read more

Convergence rate analysis of the gradient descent-ascent method for convex-concave saddle-point problems

In this paper, we study the gradient descent-ascent method for convex-concave saddle-point problems. We derive a new non-asymptotic global convergence rate in terms of distance to the solution set by using the semidefinite programming performance estimation method. The given convergence rate incorporates most parameters of the problem and it is exact for a large class … Read more

AN-SPS: Adaptive Sample Size Nonmonotone Line Search Spectral Projected Subgradient Method for Convex Constrained Optimization Problems

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A Simplified Convergence Theory for Byzantine Resilient Stochastic Gradient Descent

In distributed learning, a central server trains a model according to updates provided by nodes holding local data samples. In the presence of one or more malicious servers sending incorrect information (a Byzantine adversary), standard algorithms for model training such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) fail to converge. In this paper, we present a simplified … Read more