A Global Optimization Problem in Portfolio Selection

This paper deals with the issue of buy-in thresholds in portfolio optimization using the Markowitz approach. Optimal values of invested fractions calculated using, for instance, the classical minimum-risk problem can be unsatisfactory in practice because they imply that very small amounts of certain assets are purchased. Realistically, we want to impose a disjoint restriction so … Read more

Variational Analysis of Functions of the Roots of Polynomials

The Gauss-Lucas Theorem on the roots of polynomials nicely simplifies calculating the subderivative and regular subdifferential of the abscissa mapping on polynomials (the maximum of the real parts of the roots). This paper extends this approach to more general functions of the roots. By combining the Gauss-Lucas methodology with an analysis of the splitting behavior … Read more

Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands using the Cross Entropy Method

An alternate formulation of the classical vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands (VRPSD)is considered. We propose a new heuristic method to solve the problem. The algorithm is a modified version of the so-called Cross-Entropy method, which has been proposed in the literature as a heuristics for deterministic combinatorial optimization problems based upon concepts of rare-event … Read more

Additional properties of shifted valiable metric methods.

Some supplements to shifted variable metric or quasi-Newton methods for unconstrained minimization are given, including new limited-memory methods. Global convergence of these methods can be established for convex sufficiently smooth functions. Some encouraging numerical experience is reported. Citation Report No. V899-03, Institute of Computer Scienc, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, December 2003 (revised May 2004). … Read more

Stationarity and Regularity of Set Systems

Extremality, stationarity and regularity notions for a system of closed sets in a normed linear space are investigated. The equivalence of different abstract “extremal” settings in terms of set systems and multifunctions is proved. The dual necessary and sufficient conditions of weak stationarity (the Extended extremal principle) are presented for the case of an Asplund … Read more

Solving large scale linear multicommodity flow problems with an active set strategy and Proximal-ACCPM

In this paper, we propose to solve the linear multicommodity flow problem using a partial Lagrangian relaxation. The relaxation is restricted to the set of arcs that are likely to be saturated at the optimum. This set is itself approximated by an active set strategy. The partial Lagrangian dual is solved with Proximal-ACCPM, a variant … Read more

Solving Lift-and-Project Relaxations of Binary Integer Programs

We propose a method for optimizing the lift-and-project relaxations of binary integer programs introduced by Lov\’asz and Schrijver. In particular, we study both linear and semidefinite relaxations. The key idea is a restructuring of the relaxations, which isolates the complicating constraints and allows for a Lagrangian approach. We detail an enhanced subgradient method and discuss … Read more

Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

In this paper we consider a mathematical program with equilibrium constraints (MPEC) formulated as a mathematical program with complementarity constraints. Various stationary conditions for MPECs exist in literature due to different reformulations. We give a simple proof to the M-stationary condition and show that it is sufficient or locally sufficient for optimality under some MPEC … Read more

Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms for Semidefinite Optimization Based on a Simple Kernel Function

Interior-point methods (IPMs) for semidefinite optimization (SDO) have been studied intensively, due to their polynomial complexity and practical efficiency. Recently, J.Peng et al. introduced so-called self-regular kernel (and barrier) functions and designed primal-dual interior-point algorithms based on self-regular proximity for linear optimization (LO) problems. They have also extended the approach for LO to SDO. In … Read more