Exploiting Structure in Parallel Implementation of Interior Point Methods for Optimization

OOPS is an object oriented parallel solver using the primal dual interior point methods. Its main component is an object-oriented linear algebra library designed to exploit nested block structure that is often present is truly large-scale optimization problems. This is achieved by treating the building blocks of the structured matrices as objects, that can use … Read more

Interior Methods for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints

This paper studies theoretical and practical properties of interior-penalty methods for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints. A framework for implementing these methods is presented, and the need for adaptive penalty update strategies is motivated with examples. The algorithm is shown to be globally convergent to strongly stationary points, under standard assumptions. These results are then … Read more

Convergence Analysis of an Interior-Point Method for Mathematical Programs with Equilibrium Constraints

We prove local and global convergence results for an interior-point method applied to mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints. The global result shows the algorithm minimizes infeasibility regardless of starting point, while one result proves local convergence when penalty functions are exact; another local result proves convergence when the solution is not even a KKT point. … Read more

Computational experience with an interior point algorithm for large scale contact problems

In this paper we present an interior point method for large scale Signorini elastic contact problems. We study the case of an elastic body in frictionless contact with a rigid foundation. Primal and primal-dual algorithms are developed to solve the quadratic optimization problem arising in the variational formulation. Our computational study confirms the efficiency of … Read more

New variant on the Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector algorithm

We analyze a version of the Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector interior point algorithm for the P_*(\kappa)-matrix linear complementarity problem (LCP). We assume the existence of a strictly positive feasible solution. Our version of the Mizuno-Todd-Ye predictor-corrector algorithm is a generalization of Potra’s (2002) conclusions on the LCP with P_*(\kappa)-matrices. To derive a formulation of the complexity for … Read more

A New Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithm for Second-Order Cone Optimization

We present a primal-dual interior-point algorithm for second-order conic optimization problems based on a specific class of kernel functions. This class has been investigated earlier for the case of linear optimization problems. In this paper we derive the complexity bounds $O(\sqrt{N})(\log N)\log\frac{N}{\epsilon})$ for large- and $O(\sqrt{N})\log\frac{N}{\epsilon}$ for small- update methods, respectively. Here $N$ denotes the … Read more

Proximal-ACCPM: a versatile oracle based optimization method

Oracle Based Optimization (OBO) conveniently designates an approach to handle a class of convex optimization problems in which the information pertaining to the function to be minimized and/or to the feasible set takes the form of a linear outer approximation revealed by an oracle. We show, through three representative examples, how difficult problems can be … Read more

Newton-KKT Interior-Point Methods for Indefinite Quadratic Programming

Two interior-point algorithms are proposed and analyzed, for the (local) solution of (possibly) indefinite quadratic programming problems. They are of the Newton-KKT variety in that (much like in the case of primal-dual algorithms for linear programming) search directions for the `primal´ variables and the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) multiplier estimates are components of the Newton (or quasi-Newton) … Read more

Dual versus primal-dual interior-point methods for linear and conic programming

We observe a curious property of dual versus primal-dual path-following interior-point methods when applied to unbounded linear or conic programming problems in dual form. While primal-dual methods can be viewed as implicitly following a central path to detect primal infeasibility and dual unboundedness, dual methods are implicitly moving {\em away} from the analytic center of … Read more

Interior point methods for large-scale linear programming

We discuss interior point methods for large-scale linear programming, with an emphasis on methods that are useful for problems arising in telecommunications. We give the basic framework of a primal-dual interior point method, and consider the numerical issues involved in calculating the search direction in each iteration, including the use of factorization methods and/or preconditioned … Read more