The Bundle Method in Combinatorial Optimization

We propose a dynamic version of the bundle method to get approximate solutions to semidefinite programs with a nearly arbitrary number of linear inequalities. Our approach is based on Lagrangian duality, where the inequalities are dualized, and only a basic set of constraints is maintained explicitly. This leads to function evaluations requiring to solve a … Read more

A Comparative Study of New Barrier Functions for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms in Linear Optimization

Recently, so-called self-regular barrier functions for primal-dual interior-point methods (IPMs) for linear optimization were introduced. Each such barrier function is determined by its (univariate) self-regular kernel function. We introduce a new class of kernel functions. The class is defined by some simple conditions on the kernel function and its derivatives. These properties enable us to … Read more

Bounds for the Quadratic Assignment Problem Using the Bundle Method

Semidefinite Programming (SDP) has recently turned out to be a very powerful tool for approximating some NP-hard problems. The nature of the Quadratic Assignment Problem suggests SDP as a way to derive tractable relaxation. We recall some SDP relaxations of QAP and solve them approximately using the Bundle Method. The computational results demonstrate the efficiency … Read more


We study the limiting properties of the affine-scaling directions for linear programming problems. The worst-case angle between the affine-scaling directions and the objective function vector provides an interesting measure that has been very helpful in convergence analyses and in understanding the behaviour of various interior-point algorithms. We establish new relations between this measure and some … Read more

An Interior Point Method for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints (MPCCs)

Interior point methods for nonlinear programs (NLPs) are adapted for solution of mathematical programs with complementarity constraints (MPCCs). The constraints of the MPCC are suitably relaxed so as to guarantee a strictly feasible interior for the inequality constraints. The standard primal-dual algorithm has been adapted with a modified step calculation. The algorithm is shown to … Read more

Calculation of universal barrier functions for cones generated by Chebyshev systems over finite sets

We explicitly calculate universal barrier functions for cones generated by (weakly) Chebyshev systems over finite sets. We show that universal barrier functions corresponding to Chebyshev systems on intervals are obtained as limits of universal barrier functions of their discretizations. The results are heavily rely upon classical work of M. Krein, A. Nudelman and I.J. Schoenberg … Read more

A predictor-corrector algorithm for linear optimization based on a specific self-regular proximity function

It is well known that the so-called first-order predictor-corrector methods working in a large neighborhood of the central path are among the most efficient interior-point methods (IPMs) for linear optimization (LO) problems. However, the best known iteration complexity of this type of methods is $O\br{n \log\frac{(x^0)^Ts^0}{\varepsilon}}$. It is of interests to investigate whether the complexity … Read more

Primal-dual algorithms and infinite-dimensional Jordan algebras of finite rank

We consider primal-dual algorithms for certain types of infinite-dimensional optimization problems. Our approach is based on the generalization of the technique of finite-dimensional Euclidean Jordan algebras to the case of infinite-dimensional JB-algebras of finite rank. This generalization enables us to develop polynomial-time primal-dual algorithms for “infinite-dimensional second-order cone programs.” We consider as an example a … Read more

Uniform Boundedness of a Preconditioned Normal Matrix Used in Interior Point Methods

Solving systems of linear equations with “normal” matrices of the form $A D^2 A^T$ is a key ingredient in the computation of search directions for interior-point algorithms. In this article, we establish that a well-known basis preconditioner for such systems of linear equations produces scaled matrices with uniformly bounded condition numbers as $D$ varies over … Read more

A primal-dual second order cone approximations algorithm for symmetric cone programming

This paper presents the new concept of second-order cone approximations for convex conic programming. Given any open convex cone $K$, a logarithmically homogeneous self-concordant barrier for $K$ and any positive real number $r \le 1$, we associate, with each direction $x \in K$, a second-order cone $\hat K_r(x)$ containing $K$. We show that $K$ is … Read more