A Sigmoidal Approximation for Chance-constrained Nonlinear Programs

We propose a sigmoidal approximation (SigVaR) for the value-at-risk (VaR) and we use this approximation to tackle nonlinear programming problems (NLPs) with chance constraints. We prove that the approximation is conservative and that the level of conservatism can be made arbitrarily small for limiting parameter values. The SigVar approximation brings computational benefits over exact mixed-integer … Read more

On the behavior of Lagrange multipliers in convex and non-convex infeasible interior point methods

This paper analyzes sequences generated by infeasible interior point methods. In convex and non-convex settings, we prove that moving the primal feasibility at the same rate as complementarity will ensure that the Lagrange multiplier sequence will remain bounded, provided the limit point of the primal sequence has a Lagrange multiplier, without constraint qualification assumptions. We … Read more

A Line-Search Algorithm Inspired by the Adaptive Cubic Regularization Framework and Complexity Analysis

Adaptive regularized framework using cubics has emerged as an alternative to line-search and trust-region algorithms for smooth nonconvex optimization, with an optimal complexity amongst second-order methods. In this paper, we propose and analyze the use of an iteration dependent scaled norm in the adaptive regularized framework using cubics. Within such scaled norm, the obtained method … Read more

On the use of the energy norm in trust-region and adaptive cubic regularization subproblems

We consider solving unconstrained optimization problems by means of two popular globalization techniques: trust-region (TR) algorithms and adaptive regularized framework using cubics (ARC). Both techniques require the solution of a so-called “subproblem” in which a trial step is computed by solving an optimization problem involving an approximation of the objective function, called “the model”. The … Read more

Partially separable convexly-constrained optimization with non-Lipschitz singularities and its complexity

An adaptive regularization algorithm using high-order models is proposed for partially separable convexly constrained nonlinear optimization problems whose objective function contains non-Lipschitzian $\ell_q$-norm regularization terms for $q\in (0,1)$. It is shown that the algorithm using an $p$-th order Taylor model for $p$ odd needs in general at most $O(\epsilon^{-(p+1)/p})$ evaluations of the objective function and … Read more

Complexity Analysis of a Trust Funnel Algorithm for Equality Constrained Optimization

A method is proposed for solving equality constrained nonlinear optimization problems involving twice continuously differentiable functions. The method employs a trust funnel approach consisting of two phases: a first phase to locate an $\epsilon$-feasible point and a second phase to seek optimality while maintaining at least $\epsilon$-feasibility. A two-phase approach of this kind based on … Read more

A Sequential Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Optimization Problems with Chance Constraints

An algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear optimization problems with chance constraints, i.e., those in which a constraint involving an uncertain parameter must be satisfied with at least a minimum probability. In particular, the algorithm is designed to solve cardinality-constrained nonlinear optimization problems that arise in sample average approximations of chance-constrained problems, as well as … Read more

Second-order optimality and beyond: characterization and evaluation complexity in convexly-constrained nonlinear optimization

High-order optimality conditions for convexly-constrained nonlinear optimization problems are analyzed. A corresponding (expensive) measure of criticality for arbitrary order is proposed and extended to define high-order $\epsilon$-approximate critical points. This new measure is then used within a conceptual trust-region algorithm to show that, if derivatives of the objective function up to order $q \geq 1$ … Read more

On a conjecture in second-order optimality conditions

In this paper we deal with optimality conditions that can be verified by a nonlinear optimization algorithm, where only a single Lagrange multiplier is avaliable. In particular, we deal with a conjecture formulated in [R. Andreani, J.M. Martinez, M.L. Schuverdt, “On second-order optimality conditions for nonlinear programming”, Optimization, 56:529–542, 2007], which states that whenever a … Read more

A fresh CP look at mixed-binary QPs: New formulations and relaxations

Triggered by Burer’s seminal characterization from 2009, many copositive (CP) reformulations of mixed-binary QPs have been discussed by now. Most of them can be used as proper relaxations, if the intractable co(mpletely )positive cones are replaced by tractable approximations. While the widely used approximation hierarchies have the disadvantage to use positive-semidefinite (psd) matrices of orders … Read more