A Parallel Quadratic Programming Method for Dynamic Optimization Problems

Quadratic programming problems (QPs) that arise from dynamic optimization problems typically exhibit a very particular structure. We address the ubiquitous case where these QPs are strictly convex and propose a dual Newton strategy that exploits the block-bandedness similarly to an interior-point method. Still, the proposed method features warmstarting capabilities of active-set methods. We give details … Read more

Some Remarks for a Decomposition of Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control Problems for Two-Steps Systems

In this paper we obtained new approach for the problem, which it is described in reference[1,2]. In the references [1], the authors are studied Decomposition of Linear-Quadratic optimal Control problems for Two-Steps Systems. In [1], the authors assumed the switching point is fixed and it is given algorithm for solving Linear-Quadratic optimal Control problem. But … Read more

Optimization of running strategies based on anaerobic energy and variations of velocity

We present new models, numerical simulations and rigorous analysis for the optimization of the velocity in a race. In a seminal paper, Keller (1973,1974) explained how a runner should determine his speed in order to run a given distance in the shortest time. We extend this analysis, based on the equation of motion and aerobic … Read more

Optimal management and sizing of energy storage under dynamic pricing for the efficient integration of renewable energy

In this paper, we address the optimal energy storage management and sizing problem in the presence of renewable energy and dynamic pricing. We formulate the problem as a stochastic dynamic programming problem that aims to minimize the long-term average cost of conventional generation used as well as investment in storage, if any, while satisfying all … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for relaxed optimal control problems with final-state constraints

In this article, we compute a second-order expansion of the value function of a family of relaxed optimal control problems with final-state constraints, parameterized by a perturbation variable. The sensitivity analysis is performed for controls that we call R-strong solutions. They are optimal solutions with respect to the set of feasible controls with a uniform … Read more

Sensitivity analysis for the outages of nuclear power plants

Nuclear power plants must be regularly shut down in order to perform refueling and maintenance operations. The scheduling of the outages is the first problem to be solved in electricity production management. It is a hard combinatorial problem for which an exact solving is impossible. Our approach consists in modelling the problem by a two-level … Read more

The Lagrangian Relaxation for the Combinatorial Integral Approximation Problem

We are interested in methods to solve mixed-integer nonlinear optimal control problems (MIOCPs) constrained by ordinary di erential equations and combinatorial constraints on some of the control functions. To solve these problems we use a rst discretize, then opti- mize approach to get a specially structured mixed-integer nonlinear program (MINLP). We decompose this MINLP into an … Read more

A well-posed shooting algorithm for optimal control problems with singular arcs

In this article we establish for the first time the well-posedness of the shooting algorithm applied to optimal control problems for which all control variables enter linearly in the Hamil- tonian. We start by investigating the case having only initial-final state constraints and free control variable, and afterwards we deal with control bounds. The shooting … Read more

Partially affine control problems: second order conditions and a well-posed shooting algorithm

This paper deals with optimal control problems for systems that are affine in one part of the control variables and nonlinear in the rest of the control variables. We have finitely many equality and inequality constraints on the initial and final states. First we obtain second order necessary and sufficient conditions for weak optimality. Afterwards, … Read more

Quadratic order conditions for bang-singular extremals

This paper deals with optimal control problems for systems affine in the control variable. We consider nonnegativity constraints on the control, and finitely many equality and inequality constraints on the final state. First, we obtain second order necessary optimality conditions. Secondly, we derive a second order sufficient condition for the scalar control case. CitationNUMERICAL ALGEBRA, … Read more