Row by row methods for semidefinite programming

We present a row-by-row (RBR) method for solving semidefinite programming (SDP) problem based on solving a sequence of problems obtained by restricting the n-dimensional positive semidefinite constraint on the matrix X. By fixing any (n-1)-dimensional principal submatrix of X and using its (generalized) Schur complement, the positive semidefinite constraint is reduced to a simple second-order … Read more

Provably Near-Optimal Solutions for Very Large Single-Row Facility Layout Problems

The facility layout problem is a global optimization problem that seeks to arrange a given number of rectangular facilities so as to minimize the total cost associated with the (known or projected) interactions between them. This paper is concerned with the single-row facility layout problem (SRFLP), the one-dimensional version of facility layout that is also … Read more

A convex polynomial that is not sos-convex

A multivariate polynomial $p(x)=p(x_1,…,x_n)$ is sos-convex if its Hessian $H(x)$ can be factored as $H(x)= M^T(x) M(x)$ with a possibly nonsquare polynomial matrix $M(x)$. It is easy to see that sos-convexity is a sufficient condition for convexity of $p(x)$. Moreover, the problem of deciding sos-convexity of a polynomial can be cast as the feasibility of … Read more

Numerical block diagonalization of matrix hBcalgebras with application to semidefinite programming

Semidefinite programming (SDP) is one of the most active areas in mathematical programming, due to varied applications and the availability of interior point algorithms. In this paper we propose a new pre-processing technique for SDP instances that exhibit algebraic symmetry. We present computational results to show that the solution times of certain SDP instances may … Read more

User’s Manual for SparseCoLO: Conversion Methods for Sparse Conic-form Linear Optimization Problems

SparseCoLO is a Matlab package for implementing the four conversion methods, proposed by Kim, Kojima, Mevissen, and Yamashita, via positive semidefinite matrix completion for an optimization problem with matrix inequalities satisfying a sparse chordal graph structure. It is based on quite a general description of optimization problem including both primal and dual form of linear, … Read more

High accuracy semidefinite programming bounds for kissing numbers

The kissing number in n-dimensional Euclidean space is the maximal number of non-overlapping unit spheres which simultaneously can touch a central unit sphere. Bachoc and Vallentin developed a method to find upper bounds for the kissing number based on semidefinite programming. This paper is a report on high accuracy calculations of these upper bounds for … Read more

High accuracy semidefinite programming bounds for kissing numbers

The kissing number in n-dimensional Euclidean space is the maximal number of non-overlapping unit spheres which simultaneously can touch a central unit sphere. Bachoc and Vallentin developed a method to find upper bounds for the kissing number based on semidefinite programming. This paper is a report on high accuracy calculations of these upper bounds for … Read more

A New Relaxation Framework for Quadratic Assignment Problems based on Matrix Splitting

Quadratic assignment problems (QAPs) are among the hardest discrete optimization problems. Recent study shows that even obtaining a strong lower bound for QAPs is a computational challenge. In this paper, we first discuss how to construct new simple convex relaxations of QAPs based on various matrix splitting schemes. Then we introduce the so-called symmetric mappings … Read more

Primal and dual linear decision rules in stochastic and robust optimization

Linear stochastic programming provides a flexible toolbox for analyzing real-life decision situations, but it can become computationally cumbersome when recourse decisions are involved. The latter are usually modelled as decision rules, i.e., functions of the uncertain problem data. It has recently been argued that stochastic programs can quite generally be made tractable by restricting the … Read more

Free Material Optimization with Fundamental Eigenfrequency Constraints.

The goal of this paper is to formulate and solve free material optimization problems with constraints on the smallest eigenfrequency of the optimal structure. A natural formulation of this problem as linear semidefinite program turns out to be numerically intractable. As an alternative, we propose a new approach, which is based on a nonlinear semidefinite … Read more